Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. t 5. about ,f1 flrology,andSeekers to 1;r ffrologers. Obje& . But though they be not certainCaufes, may they not becertain Signs of things to come Anfw. No : for if they be fins fore-(hewing events, they mull either be fo by nature, as fmoak is a fign of lire : or by inlfitution, as an Ivy.bufh is a fign of Wine to be fold : but they arc fo in neither of thefe fenfes : therefore they cannot be natural figns, becaufe there is no natural connexion between the Con- ftellations, and humane Events : and whereas it's faid, Gen.1.14. Let them be forjignr,'and for feafons ; for days, and foryeers : themeaning is, they are figns for the thingswhich they caufe, as the feafons of the year which theydo both make, and liignifie : or if they lhould be granted in general tobe figns yet could we not certainly prognofticate any thing by them except we had particular Com- mentson them to declare what they liignifie, either by divine revelation, or by Loudexperience : but no fuch Comment is to be had, and therefore we haveno certain fore-knowledg by them, Divine revelation is not pretended to, and a certain experience we havenot : for experience arifes from often oblervingthe fame Tehing,asaPhyfician knowsbyexperience that7.ubarb purgesCholler,becaufe he bath often tried it, and ever findes it fo : but we can have no fuchexperience of the effe& of the Stars : t Becaufe theHeavens do fcarce ever return to the famePofition : for though foone great Conjun&ions be the fame, yet there are infinitenumbers of Stars (which alfo have their influences) that agree not with, and fo may vary the effe&s of the other. a. When Events follow thefe Con- junctions it cannotcertainly be known that they are the effe&s of them, for that many things fall out together accidentally without connexion, or dependance one upon another. 3. We fee experiences uncertain, for that Twins bornun- der the fame conftellation differ extreamly in diipofition , and event , as we fee in Efau and j"acob, and whereas they fay, that by reafon ofthe fwift mo- tions of the Heavens , a little time makes a great difference in their Pofition. Saint Au/tin anfwers, that yet their conceptions wereboth inan initant,though their birth differed a little : and Ludovicces vives adds , that this overthrows all certainty ofdivining by the fiats , becaufe by reafon of the fwiftñneffe of their motion , they fuddenly alter their pouitions, fo that a man can never give an exayt judgement of any birth, becaufe he cannot exactly know the minute of his nativity. s. Identity ofeffe&s doth not onely depend upon the effici- ent , but the matter all() : fo that if we could be Pure that the Pofition of the Heavens were the fame as they were a hundred years ago , yet the fame events will nor follow , becaufe ofthe difference of men in divers ages and climates, ofdivers tempers, educations, moral, and intelle&ual principles, 5tc. and why may not the influence of theBars produce divers effeeis upon men ofdivers dif- pofitions , as wefee a Gen fometimes hatches chickens, other times ducks, par- tridges,&c. becaufe ofdifferent eggs let under her. Arg. That.which nourifheth vaine, and forbidden hopes , and fears is not to be pro&ifed, countenanced, or tollerated : but fo do Afirological pre- ons : therefore, fear,and hope by reafonof thefigns of heaven is forbidden, jet.' 0,2. Learn not theway of theHeathen,neither bedifmayed at thefigns ofhea- v:n, forthe Heathen ared ifmayedat them. Obje&. But Afirologers oft hit right in theirpredieiions, therefore itfeems there is eeriainty in their Art ? Anfw: Firfl, Doe Aflrologers tell right ome times? So doWitches, yet all confefs that it is by thehelp of the Devil; and therefore unlawful. Secondly,Aflrologers do alfo many times mife in their prediLions. For Ifa. . 44 a 5. the tokens of theft liars are f rufirated. Only this favour they finde a- nlongft the multitude, that their mtíakes are not regarded though they be many : their predi&ions that fall out right, are obferved , and remembred though they be few. Thirdly, I4I V.