Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

'Chap. 15 about It rolagie, and Seekers to Zfirojogers. I 47 afpeets of the flarres, and that therefore this kinde of Divination is lawful, yea, Divine. Q.Left. What are the evils thatproceed from hence? Anfo. Firf?, they are innumerable : For í. That filly reverence which vul- gar pe fons ;;ive to there Predid&ions, makes them wilde, and fetsthem Upon the `Fulfilltns of them, becaufe they efteem them unavoidable.. Secondly, ,the worft evil is, that thereby mans mindewhich Ought todwellat II: home, is tranfporred out of himfelf, and in (lead of repofing upon the wifdom and love of God-, is fufpended upon the Dragons taile, and theAfcendant ofan .Horofcope. Thirdly, it cuts in funder the very (news of induftry, and makes men idle, III, greedy, and inconfiderate. TheHiftories of the GreekEmperours, Alexia, and Manuel, are lamentable examples how credulous perfonsareuncone by the Im- poftures of Afrologers, when they expeë1 from the(tars thofe fucceffes which fhould have beenwrought out byPiety, Prudence, and Valour. (h:ca. What further reafon is there agninft thefe Afrological Fred,- .IIions ? Anfre. Confider that all affirmation isgrounded either upon Reafon, or Au- thority. The aflertions of Judiciary A.ftrology are of the laic kinde : For no reafon can begiven of their Maximes. Now the authority upon which thefe Maximes are grounded, muff either be Divine, or Humane, or Devilith. They are not grounded upon Divine Authority, but are exprefly fòrbiddenby it, Tier. 1o.z. Ifa. 47.13. And humane authority in this cafe is of noweight : for who hash given,power to men to difpofe of the feveral Offices, andPreheminences of cmlellial bodies? Ít remains then that thefe Maximes are groundedupon Diabolicalauthority. Inbrief, (-nice they are not grounded] upon reafon, either they areforgedby men, or deliveredby revelation : and ifthat revelation conies nor fromGod, It muttneeds come from the devil. Dr. du Moulin ofContentment... CHAP.