Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. i6. CHAP. XVI. Uuefllions, and Cafes of 'Confcience about Atbeifis, and Athei[me. Quelle. How manyforts'af Atheiffs be there ? Anfw. Two. Firft, when aman faith, or at leafl thinks that there is no God at all : or denies the Attributes ofGod, Pfal.14. I. z King. 6.33. & 7. (14. 2. (.í`D141.2.17. & 3.14. h : Secondly, When a manowns,and adoresa falfe II. ? God inflead of the trueGod, Ephef. 2.I2. Quell: Hofu'doth a man come to the frrJ kind of Atheifine ? Anfw. By twoReps or degrees. r. When he imagins that GodBoth not Ir fee, or not regardhim, Z:ph.r.12. Secondly; when he conceits that God is not fo fevere, and rigorous in pu- II. nifhing finne as the Scriptures fet him forth to be, Pfalme So. 21, 22. Eec/cf. S. s a. Quell. How many wages Both a man fee up a falfe inflead of a trae God ? Anfw. Firft, when a man worfhips thatthat isnot God in the roome of the true God : as the Heathendid, who worshipped the Sun, MoonyndScars, &c. for their gods, Alf. 19.27,3 5. Secondly,whena man fers forceother thingbetides the true God to be his II. chiefefl good : as thevoluptuous man doth his pleafures : the covetous his wealth, &c. Phi1.3.i9. Co1.3.5. `lob 31.24. Quell. How aremen made Atheifts 3 Arfw. FirsI, by giving way to fin : n'or fin draws towards Atheifine,by wiping Y, out all the notions ofa Deity as much as it can : And when we have finned, we mull either get out by repentance , or elfe`we will be willing to turne AtheiRs, by denying that there is either heaven or Hell, and believing that when wedie, there is a final end of us as there isof thebruit beans. Secondly,$atan dottyall thathe can tomake men Atheifts,becaufe when there is U 3 JI. no fearof Godbefore mens eyes , they will commitall manner offines that the