Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 16 about Atheifis,índ itheifm. Secondly, byplacing fomething that is not God in the room ofthe true God. Every man naturally, without further light from Gods Word turns the true God intoan idol : Hence, G4/.2.8. Eph.z.i 2. `Pfal.96.5. r Cor.1o.2o. Quell. Howdoth amans mind turn the true Cod intoan idol ? Anfw. By three notorious thoughts which are the root of many damnable tittles ; as t . By thinking that God is not every whereprefent, whereby God is robbed ofhis omni- prefence : FdrGodbeing infinite, is in all places, and when mans heart denies this, it turns him into an idol. So lob zz. 12,13. Pfa1. 94.7. Ifa. 29, 15* 2. By thinking that there is no providenceofGod, whereby he orders and difpofeth ofall thingsparticularly. So Pfal.i o.r 1. Zeph. r.1 z. 3. By thinking that there is no juftice in God : which is when men imagine that notwithftandm:, their fins, yet God will not punish them as he bath threat- ned in his Word. So De tt.2.9. 19, 20. Amos 9.1o. and 6.3. 2. A man denies God in his thought by placing in the roomof the true God an Idol ofhis ownbrain, which is done by thinking force other thing betides the trueGod tobe their chiefell good : So Epicures make their belly their God, Phil 3.19. The covetous man his riches , Co/.3.9. Fo- what a man thinks to be the bell thing in the world for him, that is his God, though it be the devil him- himfelf orany other creature. Hence, 2 Cor. 4.4. Quell. What is thefruit of this thought that there fe noGod ? eA'nfit. It brings forth the notorioufe(t fins that can be,even Atheifin it felf, which is twofold. a. In prablife. 2. In judgement. ()Jett. What u Atheifine in praaico. Anfw. It's that fin whereby men deny God in their deeds, lives, and convex- ration. This bath three fpecial branches. 1. Hypocrifie,which is a fin whereby menwor(hip the true God : but in a falfe mannerivingGod the outwardanion but with holding their hearts from him. 2. Epicurifme, which is a fin whereby mencontemn God , and give them- felves wholly to their pleafures, fpending their time in eating, drinking, ando- ther carnal delights, not feeking, nor fearingGod, which is the finof manyrich perlons. 3. Wìtchcraft,or Magick, which is that fin whereby men renounce the true God : and betake themfelves to the aid, counfel, andhelp of the devil,either by himfelf, orhis inftruments. Quell. What is Atheifine in judgement ? Anfw. Its that fin whereby in opinion and perfwafion of heart men deny God : Itbath threedegrees. 1. When men hold, and accordingly worship the true God: but yet con- ceive of, and worship him otherwife then he bath revealed himfelf in his Word : as the Turks, Jews,and Papifis do. a, When men place force Idol in the room of the true God, holding the fame for their God : Thus did the Gentileswhen they worfhipped the Sunne, Moon, and Stars. or other creatures. 3. When a man dothavouch , hold and maintain that there is no Godat all: and this is the highefl degree of Atheifine,and fuch deferve to be put to death for treafona'ainfl Heaven ,ifhe (hall die that denies his lawfulPrince. Quell. what are thefrgns whereby Atheifme may be difeovercd ? Anfw. David, Pratt 4. fets down three fignes. 1. A difordered life, Z. 2, 3. Not callingon the Name ofGodby prayer, v.4. 3.Contemning of them that put their [rat inGod, v.6. (Ilefl. What otherfigues are there of it ? Cnfo. Firfi, if wedeny' the omni-prefence ofGod ; and are more afraid to fin 1 5 I II.