I. IT. I. II. III. I. Queliions,andCafes ofConscience Chap16 fin in the. pretence ofa mortal man, then in the pretence of God. Secondly, if we think that God regards notthefe outward things : Thus fuch as nieopprelhon,injufiice, deceit,and lying. in their worldly affairs are Athcifls. Thirdly, if we lay, God is merciful, Iwill hereaftet repent, and fo efcape pu- nifhmenr, whichoverturns theinfinite jufliceof God, and makes him all mercy, whereas he is aswell jufl, as merciful. Qieft. What otherdamnable thought is therenatura.fly in the heart of man con- cerning God? Anfw. That the Word ofGod is foolifhnefhe. Thus fome thought the Gofpel foolithneftë. i Cor.I.21. and the reafon is rendred , 1 Cor. z. 14. Others have the like thoughts of rbe Law, when they judge the threats of theLawuntrue,and fo fooliflmeffe. Hence, Deut.z9.19. 1fa.5.19. z Per.3.3,4. nett. what are the accurfed fruits ofthis Anceifine ? Anfiv. Fir(+ hence arifeth that curfed,and damnable opinion of many that hold Religion tobe but humane Policy to keepmen in awe,and fo ufe it as a po- litick device to exercife mens brains to keep'themfrom fedirion,and rebellion. Secondly, hence fprings all Apoflacy, and departingfrdm the faith; ga1.'.6. Quest. what other curfed thought ariféth from Atheifm? Anfw. Firìl, that teeing the Word ofGod isfootifhnefle, the refo:e theywill not yeeld obedience to it. So Jab 21 14, 15. Jer.6.t 8. Luke 19.14: And very manyare guilty hereof. Secondly, then they proceed to fay that it'sa vain thing toworfhipGod. So, Job21.1 5. t3Yfal.3.14. It was inDavid himfelf,Pfa/.73.5 3 Thirdly, a thought ofdifirufl, tins God doth not regard me,will not help me, nor be merciful unto rue. This was c'lIofes his fin,Nnmb.ao.ra,6.and Davids, Pfal.3 5. z1. and s 16.1 2. and of theIfraelites, Pfal.78.19i2o. andofPeter, Mar. Quell. whendo thefe thoughts of diflrufl met aftrault us ? Aafin. In times of danger, afTh&tion, tentation,and efpecially in fickneffe, and at death, Job 7.20. and 16. 12, &c. fo Pfal.77.7. Quell. Whatit the-danger of thefethoughts ? Anfw. Fir14, hence arifethall horror, and terroiirs of confcience : all feares, and aflonifhments ofheart. Secondly, hence comes defperation it felf, whereby men confidently affirme thatGodbath forfaken them, and that there is nohope, &c. Thirdly, this weakens the foundation ofOur falvation, which (landsin the cer- tainty of Gods promifes : this thought denying the credit bf them, andmaking themuncertain. Mr.Perkins of mansnatural imaginations. CHAP.