Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

t 54 Qneflions, andCafes of f Confeience Chap. 17. anexpreffe Analogy betwixt Circumcilon and Baptifine, ('ol.2.a t,12. See Dr. Gouge on Heb. Heft. where the Scripturefpeaks of Baptizing it mentions wafhing withwa- ter,h,yow. then can fprinklineferve turne ? .- >y.t isoinkling is . fufficientto4bewthe ufe ofsvatcr. The arty baptized iR ipòt brought to the Font tohave his face,or any other part ofhis body made dime, but to have aflurance of the inward cleanlrnb, of his foul. Now that our mimics may not toomuch dote on the outward thing done , but be wholly railed up to the Miftery , the outward element is no further ufed, then may ferve to put us in minde ofthe inward thing fignified thereby. Anfwerably in the Lords Supper there is not fomuch breadand wine given, and received, as would facisfie onesappetite, or flake his hunger, and quench his thiri+ bat onely a little bit of bread, and fupofwine todeclare the ufe of bread, and wine, and fo todraw the mindes of the Communicants to a confideration of their fpi- ritual nouriuhment by the body and blood ofJefus ChrilL Queft. How w Bapri fine à means ofcleanfing andfaniifying ? Anfw. Four ways. PFirfl, in that it doth molt lively reprefent , and fet forth even to the outward fenfesthe inward cleaning, of our fouls by the blood of Chrift , and fanEtifying us by the Spirit ofChrift, Rom. 6.4, &c. S_condly, in that -it doch. truelypropound , and make tender, or offer of the grace of juftification , and fanólification to the party baptized. In this re- fpeel it's called , Baptifme of Repentance for remiffion offinnes , Luke 3. 3. Ails z. 38. Thirdly, in that it doth really exhibit, and feal up to the confcience of him that is baptized , the aforefaid grace,whereby he is allured that he is made parta- kerthereof. Thus Abraham received the /is!: ofcircumcifron as afeat ofthe righ- teoufncffe offaith, Rom.4.1 i. The Eunuchand others rejoyced when they were baptized, "Sias 8./9. and x6.34. Fourthly , in that it isa particular, and peculiar pledge to the parry baptized, that even he himfelf is made a partaker ofthe faidgraces : therefore every one in particular is baptizedfor himfelf : Yea, though many be at once brought to the Font,. yet everyone by name isbaptized. Hence, al. 3. 17. whofoever are baptized into Chn(t,have put on Chrill ; and eAEis 22.16. Be thou baptized and wafh,sway thy fins. Ob;e&. But many that are baptized receiveno fuchgrace ? areneither cleanfed, nor fauè1fled ? Anfw. Such are onely outwardly walked with water, not baptized with the holy Ghoul : the fault is notbesaufe no grace accompanies the Sacrament, but in that they receive not, but rejeel the grace which appertaineth thereto, m. . ?. What iffomcbelieve not? fiell theirunbelief make the faith of Godof none:ffet`l ? Godforbid. Ob;e&. eAlany receive the aforefaidgfacis before they are Baptized. ejls Abraham before he was circumcife , Rom.4.1 t. andforce that werebaptizedaf- ter they believed. How thenis baptrfmá means thereof. Anfw. Their:fpiritual cieanfmg is mote fully, and lively manifefled by bap- dime, and they are more affured thereof. Objeítt. Manywho live long ingroffefins afterbaptifm, andfo were not thereby cleanfed andfsnc7ified, yet many ears after have Beene effe£lually called : what, meant bath. haply-webeen hereof? ef4nfw. The ufe andefficacy ofBaptifine is not as the aét thereof, tranfient, but permanent , andperpetual, fo long asthe baptized .perfon lives: wkenfo- ever a Pinner unfeignedly repenteth, and faithfully layeth:holdon the proulifes of Cod : Baptifine, which as the feal thereof, is as powerful andeffebtual as it couldhave been when it was firft adminif .red. For the efficacy of Baptifine con-