Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 17 about Baptifinè. 1.51 2. Its the Wordwhich makes the greatefidifference between the Sacramental waffling of water, andordinary commonwaffling. 3. By the Wordthe ordinary creatureswe ufe are fanaified, much more the holy OrdinancesofGods worfhip, whereofBaptifme is one. Queft. Is it not lawful! to Baptife without a Senn.on ? Anfw. Though it be both commendable, andhonourable to adminifter that Sacrament when there is a Sermon , yet I judge it not unlawful' to doe it with- outa Sermon : Only the people muff be taught by the Word what the Covenant is thatBaptifme fealeth up, whichbeingdone, the word is not feparated from that Sacrament thoughat that time therebe no Sermon. See Dr. Gouge in Do meftick.Duties. Qeft. Howmany parts bethere of a S4creiment, and fo confequently of Bap- tifme ? Anfw. Therebe three effentialls parts of Sacrament. a. TheSigne. 2. The thingfignified. 3. The Analogie between them , which is the union of Them both. The firft, is fome outward, andvifiblc thing: the fecond, inward and Spi- rituali : the third, mixt of them both : As in Baptifme , the fign is water , the thing fignified is the blood of Chria : the Analogieor union (lands in this refeablance, that as the former outwardly wafheth the filthinefs ofthe body, . fo the latter inwardly purgeth the foul of all fin. By reafon of which relation., and neere affeaion between the fign,and thing fignifred, it is ufuall by an impro- per,but Sacramental) fpeech. r. To call the figne by the thing fignified, and contrarily. So Baptifme is called the waffling of the new birth, becaufe its a fgne, foal , and inliru- ment of it. z. To afcribe that to the Ggne which is proper to the thing fisnified , and fo Baptifme is faid to favcas, Tit. 3. 5. r Pet. 3.21. which indeed is the pro- priety ofChrifis blood, 1 Joh.1. i. But by the neere affinityof thefe two in the Sacrament it is faid fo todo. a. To teachus not to conceive the Sacramentalelements asbare, and naked figns, foas to grow into the contempt of them. 2. As we may not conceive them idle fignes, fo neither Idol fignes by infifiing in them as though they were the whole Sacrament: For they are but outward, whereas the principal matter of a Sacrament is fpiritual, and inward. 3. That then we trulieft conceive ofa Sacrament, when by looking at one of thefe we fee both : by the flgne, and a&ionwhich is outward to be led to thòfe which are fpiritual, and inward. Queft.What beneft have we by Baptifme ? Anfw. God inBaptifme doth not only offer, and fignifie, but truely exhi- biteth grace , whereby our fins are waffled, and we are renewed by the holy Ghoft,A fs 2.38: e, ; . fi Quell. Are all baptizedperfors then regenerated ? - Anfw. No : For, Firft, this eff:6t isnot afcribed tothe work wrought, as the I. Papifis teach. Secondly,neither by anyextraordinary elevation of the a&ion , whereby it II. is made able to confer the benefit ofrenovation : For this would make every Baptifme a kindeof miracle , as alfo it would encroach upon the claufe fol- lowing, in Tit. 3.5. wherein the work of renewing is afcribed to the Ho- ly III, Thirdly , neither bath the water in Baptifme it Pelf any inherent po- wer, or force to runic the confcience , as it hath to walla the filth of the body. Fourthly, neither is grace tied by anypromife, ormeans to the aótion, fo as IV. X3 God