578 I. II. Iv. Queffions,snd ,rt IfCompliance Chap o God (who is moil free in his gifts) cannoteither otherwílk ditIribute, Or cannot but difpenfeit with the a Lion : For, t. Grace is not tyed to the Word; .therefore not to the Sacra- ments. 2. They were feparated in the Minitiry of fohn the Baptif , who : confet that though he baptized with water , yet it belonged to him that carne after him to give grace. 3. If thefe opinions were true , then fhould every baptized perfon be truely -converted , whereas we fee the contrary in Simon Magus , and ma- ny others. 4. Some are jufiifiedbefore Baptifine, as Abraham before Circumèifior. So Cornelius, Ads ro. 47. the Eunuch, ?iPls 8.37,38. forne after, as numbers dai- ly converted. S. This opinion of tyinggrace to theSacrament overthrows t. Thehigheft, andmoti proper caufe of our falvation, which is Gods free Ele6lion, towhich only grace is tyed. a. The only meritoriouscaufe ofour Regeneration , which is Quiffs blood that properly cleanfeth from all fin. 3, The moll powerful!, next, andapplyingefficient,which is the HolyGhoti, and to whom our renewing is afcribcd. Qiefi. How then is Baptifine called the laver ofregenerat ion ? Anfw. Firtt, as it is an int+itutien ofGod fignifying his good pleafure fdr the pardoning offinne, and accepting to grace in Chrill. Thus the Word and Sacraments are faid to fave , and fan&tfie, bccaufe they lignifie the good pleafure ofGod in faving, and fan5lifying us. Thuswe fay a man is laved by the Kings pardon , not that the pardon properly doth it , but becaufe it's the ordinary intirument to manifeflthe merciful mind& of theKing in pardon- ing a malefactor. Secondly , as its a teal and pledge of our fan&ification, and falvation, as certainly affuring theft to the foul of the believer , as he is or can beaaffu- red ofthe other : As a man having a bond of a thoufand pounds foaled to him may fay, i am fure of this thoufand pound: So may a belie- ving party baptized, fay of his Bàptiftne ; here's my regeneration, and falvation. Thirdly, as its ameans to excite and provoke the faith of the receiver to lay holdon the grace of the Sacrament , andto apply it to thefe trurpofes : In regard it may as truely be faid to renew as faith is ¡aid to jutiifas.; and that is onely as it is a means to lay hold on Chrifl our righ- teoufneffe. Fourthly, in that in the right ufe of it, it gives and exhibits Chrifi , and all his merits to the fir receiver -: For then as Gods grace purs forth it felfe ; and after a fort conveys it felfin , and by thisinfirument into the heart oftht worthy receiver. sell, To whom is Baptifine the wa hifigof the newBirth? Anfw. We muff not conceive it tobe a Laver of regeneration to every per- fon baptized : but to fuch as have the grace of faithto receive the grace offer- ed , John t.t7. Ephef S. 27. Forungodly and unbelieving perfons receive no- thing in the Sacramentsbutthe the élements,and that as naked fitihs : aswe fee in 7r'd.ss, Simon Magies, Ananias and Saphira. Inall -Worn neitherwas grace conferred, nor wickedneffe weakned. Quell. How then can children 4gt baptized , in i6hwrtbr 9Ve tanner ex- pea faith , and therefore in then; ,-eitherfaith is notrtgni'ed,ontheir iraptifvee rs unprofitable ? Anfw, Iwill laydown !Otte propofitiatsfor theunfoldingofthisdifculcy.As I. We