Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. i 'y about Baptifie. I. Wemuff ditlinguifh of Infants , whereof fome are Flea, and fome not. Theft latter receive only theelement, but are not inwardly walked : the for mer in the right ufe ofthe Sacrament receive the inward grace : Not tha thereby we tieGod to any time, or means, whofe Spirit blowswhen, and where it lifteth ; as Some arefan&ified from the womb , and force after baptifne ; but becaufeGod delights toprefent himfelfgracious in his own Ordinance, therefore in the right ufe of the Sacrament he ordinarily accompanies it with his grace : Here , according to his prortife we may expea it , and here we may , and ought to feed forth the prayer of Faith for it. 2. Though Infants want actual faith which prefuppofeth hearin- ,underfland- ing, &c. yet they wanr'not all faith : for Chrift himfelf reckons themamongfl beleevers, Moth. IS. 6. Hence circumcifionwhich was adminifired to Infants, is called a (ealofFaith. 3. The faith of theirparents is fo farre theirs , a' that it gives them ri -ht to the Covenant : For the Covenant was made CO Abraham andhis feed : and every believing parent layeth hold on the. Covenant for himfelf , and his feed , thereby entitling his childrento.the right of the Covenant as well as himfelf ; as in temporal things he can purchafe land for himfelf and his heirs, I Cor.7. r4. If thereatbehoYy,foare the branches: and .one parentbelieving,the children. archoly. Objea. Bat the jail fhallliveby his own faith An. Elea Infants have a fpiritoliFaitla by the Spirit, of God ivorkin r inward ly, and fecretly, as we fee in thofeWhich were fan&ified from the womb, as jaob,Yeremy, john Baptifl, 6--e. neitherdoth it hind.r,becaufe Infants have no fence ()fatly fuchthing, nomore then it provesthemnot to live, becaufe they . knownot that theydo fo. Neither is,Adams corruptionmore: effectgalt ropol- lute infants , thenChrifts blood and .ri hteoufnefs is to fan&ifiethem ., and this weought tobelieve, orelfe we hruft deripthat ahoy can'be raved. . Quell. If any beleeve before baptifine, what profit then have they by Baptifine : Anfiv. Firfl, they muttbe . Baptized ini obedience to the command of God; asAbraham, Corneáiio, Paul, &c. believing, obeyed. without,zeafonin-, and fo manifefled their faithby their obedience,.: Secondly, fuch as are tnvifibly incorporated into: Clrtifls body, mail alto be vifiblyincorporated into the Churieh by Baprtfine. Thirdly, that the grace received may be augmented. For by the worthy receiving of the Sacraments weak graces are encreafed, and made tlronger. Fourthly, that the party baptized may be confirmed and Strengthened , not onely in his graces received, but in regardofthat grace, andglory whick -haex- peas toreceive in the rcfurreaion , bothwhich arem®r:: firmly fealed to him by Baptifme. See Dr.Taifor on Tit. Queft. How may Parents in Faith pwfenr their children to (io i =rye Baptifine ? , Anfw. The dedication of a child CO God is a workofSingular and great im- portance , one of the weiglatied fervices Wecan take in harìd ct ,Though ntider- ed of by few : and it Cannot be well done as:it ought except it be done in faith : New the aí` siof faith inthie,ate 1. It calleth to remembrance the free and gracious Covenant which God hath made rrybhbelieviaagParents and their I'oflerity, exprefl'ed, qen. Acts 2.39, >xyhich Covenant-asits madetothebelieving Parent., and his teed, fo Both the faith ofthe parent apprehend the promife cf the Covenant for himfelfatsftithlfeed. Andlrhisiithe groundof that tender which a Chrif>bian makes 159 I. IV.