IEo V.- VI. I. Qs><effions,and Cafes ofConEienwe C:hep17 makes of his children to holy Baptifm : For by natural generation children of believing Parents are defiled with fin, and fo under wrath : but they are holy by covenant and free acceptation, the believingParent embracing GodsPromifefor himfelf and his polerity. Secondly, by faith believing Parents muff give themfelves to God, chuuing him to be their portion, &c. For hethat wouldgive his children to God, mull frtl give himfelf to God. Thirdly, it provokes Parents to offer their children to God by fervent and faithful Prayer, fo foon as ever they have receivedthem from him. CodsPro- mife callerh for our Prayer, as z Sam. 7.27. Fourthly , it confidereth what a fingular Prerogative it is to be a&ually ad- mitted into Covenant withGod,received into his family, andhavehis name put upon us : To be a Partaker ofthe feale of Regeneration, pardon of fins, ado- ption, and everlafling inheritance : Solemnly tobe made free of the society of Saints, and toweare the Lords livery, and what anhigh and incomprehenfible a mercy it is, that Cod hath promifed, and doth vouchfafe thefe great and inefli- mable bleihings, not only to himfelf awretched (inner, but alto tohispofferity, whoby nature are enemies toGod dead in.fin, and in bondage under the curfe of the Law. Fifthly, it airs uphearty rejoycing in the Lord, that he path vouchfafedin ten- der compagion to lookstpnn themand their polerity, and thus to honour and advance them. Sixthly, it flits up Parents to be diligent and careful to bring up their chil- dren in the information,- and feare ofthe Lord;being infiant with him toblefic their endeavoursfor the good of their children, and the glory of his Name. For the fame confcience that moved Parents tooffer their children to God in Baptifme, will quicken them to endeavour their education in the true faith, and ferviceof God. Quell. What ufefhoteld (hriffians'inakeof their Baptifme, when they come to years of difcretion ? Aafw. They Ihould remember that Baptifme is a feale of the Covenant be- twixt God and them, of Gods Promife, that he will be their God, andof their Promife, that they will be his people, repent offin, believe in Chrìt, and walk before him in fincere obedience : and that the fiLnification, force, ufe, and fruit of it continueth not for that prefent only when its adminifred, but for the whole courfeof a mans life : for as its the feal of afree, everlaling,and unchan able Covenant, fo is theforce and ufe ofit perpetual : fo then the ufe to be made of Baptifine is twofold. Firl, itfeems to be a pledge and token of Gods favour, and that divers wayes. : In that its a feale of our Regeneration by the Holy Ghoa, whereby a di- vine quality is infufed into us in the room, andplace of original corruption : Hence its called the Laver of Regeneration, Tic. 3. S. It beingufual to call the principal cuufe, and the infirument by the famename. z. Ir feales and confirmes ro us the free pardonof our fins, Alls 2. 38. and 22. 16. 3. Its apledge of the vertueof Chrilsdeath, and of our fellowthip therein, Rom. 6.3. 4. Its apledge of the vertueof Chrias life, andof our communionwithhim therein, Rom. 6. ç. Col.z.i z. 5. Its apledge of our adoption in Jefus Chril: For when Godputshis Name upon us , he fignifies and affures that we are his fortes , Gal. 3. 26, 27. 6. Its a folemn teflimony of our communion with all the lively members of