Chap. about Baptifine. only ; Now we know that when the Nation of the Jewes were made Difciples; and circurncifed, their Infants were made Difciples and circumcifed. And Gods manner is, when Promifes or Threarnings are denounced againft Nations, to include Infants, which are a great part of every Nation ; except they be parti- cularly excepted, as they were, Numb. 14.31. Ob. But Infants are not capable of being difciples ? A;. f c. Firfl, theyare as capable as the Infants ofJewes and Profelytes were, when they were made Difciples. Secondly, they aredevoted to be difciples. Thirdly, th :y are capableof Cods teaching, though not of mans. Fourthly, they belong to Chrift, and beare the Name of Chrift, Maid0.42. cillar.9.41. Mar. 18.5. and therefore are hisdifciples, as appearsby thofe texts if compared together. Fifthly, theyare called difciples, c.zitt. 15. I. and Io. compared. Another commandby good confequence for the' baptizingof Infants is from Atls z. 38,39 becaufe the Promife was made CO them and their children,which proves that they were taken into Covenant with their Parents, and therefore were to receive the feale ofthe Covenant. For examples, though there were none, yet there is no Argument in it ; yet we have examplesby good confequence : For the Gofpel took place, jail as the old adminiftration, by bringing; in wholefamilies together, When Abraham was taken in, hiswhole family was taken in together with him : So of the Profelytes. Likewife in the New Teflament, ufually ifthe Mailer ofthe Fami ly turned Chrifian, his whole Family came in, and were baptized with him. So we fee, Aits 11, a4. So the houfhold ofStephanus, ofArnflab am, of Narciffrss, of Lidea, ofthe Jailor, &c. 2. Argun,. To whom the inward graceof Baptifm Bothbelong, to them be- longs theoutward Gane : But the Infants ofBelievers, even whileft Infants are made partakers of the inward grace of Baptifine : therefore they may, and ought to receive the outward G,neof Baptifine, The major Propofition is proved, Ails to. 47. Csnany maneforbid water, La c: A&.11.17. The Minor is proved , Mark 1,3.14. to fuchbelongs the KingdomofGod.And 1(or.7.14.theyareholy. Betides, there is nothing belonging to the Initiation and being.; ofa Chriídian, whereofBaptifine is a feale, which Ìnfants are not as capableof as grown men. For they are capable of receiving the Holy t .bolt, of unionwith Ch rift, of A- doption, offorgtveneffe offins, of Regeneration, of everlafling life, all which are fignified and fealed by Baptifine. For in receiving the inward grace, of which Baptifine is the ligne andPeale, we are meer paf ìves, whereof Infants are as fit fubjeh}s as growen min, or elfe none of them could be Paved. Ob. Though they are capable ofgrace,end maybe faved, yet we may not baptize them, becaufe bypreaching they are to be made difciples, before they may be ba- ptized, Mat. 28. 19. Anfu. This is not the firft Inflitutionof Baptifine, but the enlargement of their Commìffion: before they were fent only to the loll (beep of the houfe of ifrael: But now to all Nations, who were tobe converted to Christ ; but before were out ofthe Covenant ofgrace, and therefore their children had no right ro Baptifine : But when once themfelves wereinftrué}ed and baptized, then their children were capable of it by verrueofthe Covenant. ob, But its faed, He that believes and isbaptized Pall befaved : therefore Faith waft precede Baptifine?' Anfw. Firft, if this Argument hashany ftrength againft tht Baptifm of In- fants, it hath much more igaitift the falvaticin of Infants : and however they can evade the one, we bill much more flronglyevade the other. Secondly, Its nowhere -faid, unbelievers, Or rather-non-believers, May not Y 2 he II. I, H.