!Chap. 7 about Baptiftne. S childrenarc through their imperfeetion, being as much above them,as children are below them. Thirdly, yet the fruit and benefit of it at the prefent is very much both to Pa- III. rents, and Infants. I. To the parents whileft God loth hereby honour them to have their children counted to his Church, to his Kingdome, and family, and fe under his win_;, and grace while(} all other Infants in the worldhave their vitible tlanding in the Kingdome of Satan : and fo whilefi others have no hope of their chit. drens fpiritual welfare,till they are called out of that condition , thefe neednot doubt of their childrens welfare if theydie in their infancy, or if they live , rill they (hew fignes to thecontrary : Godhaving reckoned them tohis people, and given them all the means of falvation, which their infant age is capable of. z. To the children , when as (betides what inward teeter work God is plea fed towork in them) they being members of the Church of Chtifi have their (hate in the communion of Saints,are remembred at the throne ofgrace every day by all that pray for the welfare of the Church : and particularly in thole prayers which are made for a hieltìng onhis Ordinances : an 1 laflly , its no fmall priviledge to have that feat bellowed upon them in their infancy , which they may afterwards plead when they come to fulfil the condition. Obje&. But if th:ir capable of a, fpiri:aal pant, entitles them to the outward igne, why are they .tot admitted ro the Lords Sapper, which is afeel of the Covenant cf Graceat well ai this ? For (fay they) the Jews Infants dici eat the Faffeever : then ifour Infants have AS large.priviledges,as theirs had , then they muff partake of the Lords Sapper ? Anfa: We are Cure that Infants are capable of the grace. of Baptifine, but we are not cure that they are capable, of the grace i gned, and fealed in the. Lords Supper : For thoughboth are feats of the Covenant of grace , yet its with fotne difference : Baptifme properly feats our entrance into it : the Lords Supper properly our growth , nourr(bmenr, and augmentation in it : Baptifnre for our birth , the Lords Supper for our food : Novvfnfants may be born again whilefl they are Infants , have their original tin pardoned,be united to Chriti, have his image fiampt upon them; but concerning the exercifes of thefe graces; and the augmentation of them in Infants; the Scripture is litent.Neitheris there any mention in Scripture that the 7,, Infants did eat the Pafeover: Indeed when at the Paffeover their Children asked them the meanin`; of that fervice , they were to indrua them therein : but there is neither precept, nor prefident for their eatinA of ir. See Mr. %vlar(halls Sermon about Lrf rnt Raptifnr. - Obje&. None are rightly Baptifed, but rhofe that are dipped ? Anfw. Thou:,hdippm; may beufed where the Child i3 (iron_ , and the wea- ther,and Climate are temperate, yet it is not neceflary, or effenriall to Baptifm, as is proved by thefe Ar;r,utnents. a. That which Chri'd the Author of Baptifine requireth not, that cannot be tieceffary to this Sacrament. But Chrif requireth not dippin,;: therefore: Fiefy- chins, Stevens, Scapula, andBud.eus proveby many infiances that ßarr7iZw fignifies wa(hing,which may be done without dipping. - . The words baptize, and Baptiflrie are oft ufed in Scripture: where the perfons or things faid to be baptized were not dipt ,.as ülíat.3. I I..thall Bap- tize you with the Holy a.,hoit,and with fire : they werenot dipt in that fire which came down from. heaven upon thefts, AIls 2.3. Mat. 20.23. yea £hall be hap- tized with the Baptiftne that I am baptized with ; yet neither Chritl , nor his Difciples that we reade of, were dipt in blood, Mark 7. 48. Bap- tifme of Cups , Pots, Tables , or Beds e Cups , and pots may be wa(h- ed-, by pouting water, in thesis . without dipping : and Tables and Beds were not dipped, r Cor. ao. 2. Baptifed in the cloud, which only rained up tilt them , &c. 3. It Is5