Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

QHeffions, andCafes ofConfcience Chap. i7. 3. If the fpiritual grace fignified by Baptifine is fufficiently expreffed with- out dipping , then dipping is not neceffary : But it is : Therefore: The thing fgnified is the cleanfing of the foùle from the guilt , and filth of finne , Which is fufficiently expreffed by wafhing with water without dipping, 1 `Pet: ÿ . 21. 4. The outward a&ofBaptifne frgnifying the inward cleanfing of the foule is expreffed in Scripture by fprinkling ; as Heb. 9.13. The blood of Bulls and Goatsfprinkling the unclean, Uc. Having our hearts fprink_led from an evil confeience, i Pet. I. 2. throuohfanflificationof the Spirit,andfprink ing of the blood of Chrift ; Therefore dipping is not neceffary. S. It may fometirnes be neceffary ro baptize lick , and weak perfons ; but fuck cannot be dì.pt without apparent hazard to their lives : Therefore its not neceffary. 6. The Sacraments of the Church may, and ought to be adminifired without giving any jufl fcandal : But themeeting of many perlons, men and women, and going naked into a river together, cannot be done without fcandal, there- fore itsnot neceilary. Obje&. But the word baptize is derived from Ba'w70) , todip, or die : therefore waThing, orfprinkfing is not baptizing ? Anfw. Firfl, we are not fo much to refpeet whence words are derived, as how they are ufed : Derivative words are oft oflarger extent then their Primitives: As xarexáa , is derived from ilxra, which properly fignifies a refounding back again : or catechifing by way ofgdeftion,and anfwer : yet in Scripture its oft taken in a larger fence for inflru&ing grown men in theDoe-trine of falvation. So Luke 1.4. A£is r8. zs. and 21. 24. Rom.i4.19. Gal. 6.6. fo though Bap- tifine :comes from Bá71701 , that fignifies properly waffling , or dip- ping : yet its taken more largely, as was (hewed before in feveral Scri- ptures : ) for any kinde of wanting or cleanfing where there is no dip- ping. Secondly , Búz*Tm , from whence baptize is derived, fignifies as well to Die, as to Dipp, and probably the Holy Ghoft bath reference to that fignificati- on, becaufeby Baptifine we change our hiew , the blood of Chrifl washing us from the filth of fame , and making our fouls as white as if they were new died. Objet. But Chrift, and 'John, and `Phill, and theEunuch are faid to go down into the water, therefore wafhing andfprinkling are not Piffleiene, without dipping ? Anfw. Firfl, an example of Chia, and his Apoftles without a precept binde not in all things : For Chrift wafhed his Difciples feet before his Supper, aisd he adminifired it at night, andonly to twelve men , &c. yet are not we bound hereunto : Likewife the firfl Chriftians fold their poffeffions,&c. which we are not obliged to imitate, rifts 2.44 Secondly, the reafon is not alike : At firfi Chriflianshad no Churches, nor Fonts, and multitudes were to be baptized , and they were grown men and women, and fo werebettter able to endure it , and the climate was hotter : but now we have Fonts, and children are baptized, and they many times weak and infirme, andour climate is colder, and therewouldbe danger in ir. Thirdly, it's very improbable-that all thofe in Aft. 2. that were converted, and prefentiy baptized upon the place : and theJaylor and hisfamily who were baptized at midnight in the place where they were , were dipped, but rather wafh- ed, or fprinkled. See Dr. Featlies Dippers Dipt. weft. How is Baptifine neceffary? Anfw. This was (hewedbefore in part , to which I now adde that it's ne- ceffary. As