Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

II. IV. Queffionf,andCafer ofConfeienee Chap,17 Chria direels his fpeech principally to Nicodemsu, who was a timorous profeffor, who remained ignorant , and had long negle red his Bap- tifine. a. That the Kingdom of heaven is not here put for everlalling happineffe,but to lignifie the visible flare of the Church under the Nev e Telfament, and then the meaning is,that none can be admitted into the Church, and made a visible member thereof but by Baptifine : nor can any be made a lively member of Chrilf, but by the Spirit. Secondly,or this place is not be underlloodof Baptifine : but of regeneration, whereinChrilf alludes to .xod.3 5.a6. which fpeaksofclean water, and then the meaning is, thou Nicode,nur art a Pharifee., and ufea many outward wafhings : but unleffe thoubeefl na(bed inwardly by clean water , i. e, regenerated by the HoyGhoft, thou canfl not enter into heaven. Thirdly, or the neceffity of falvation lies not in both, but only in the New Birth by the HolyGhofl. weft. Whether arenot witneffes,commonly called God-fathers,and God mothers neceffary ? Anfw. No. Firfl,For in the Primitive times the Parents of children which were Heathens and newly converted to the Chrilfian Religion , were either ig- norant and could not , or careleffe and would not bring up their children ac- Cording to the Word ofGod, and true Religion which they newly profeffed : therefore persons of good knowledge and life were called to witneflsBaptifine, and promifed to take care of the childrens education : But now parents being better taught and qualified, the other is not neceffary. Secondly, Chrilf in his Word harh taught all things that are fit , and neceffa- ry about Baptifine amongft all which he bath not appointed the ufe of Sureties. Thirdly, the whole Congregation prefent do prefent the childe to the Lord , and are witneffes of hisadmiffion into the Church ; and therefore there needsno other. Fourthly, that which is required of them to promife, and performe, may, and ought ro be performed by the Parents of the Infant baptized, who by Gods com- mand ought to bringup their children in the knowledge and fear of God; there- fore the other are not neceffary. efl. whether have children of excommunicated perfons right to Ba- ptif ? oflnfw. Before this quellion be anfwered fome grounds mull be laid down ; As, r.There are two texts principally about excommunication, cí`ltat. r g. r7.t Cor. 5. 5. the fcope ofboth which is CO Phew that the excommunicated perfon is debarred the Kingdome ofheaven. For he is not to be held a true member of the Church,but as amHeathen andPublican. a. In excommunication there are three judgements to be conlidered. i. Of God. a. Of the Church. 3. Againof God. The firft is when God holdeth any obilinate firmer guilty of the offence , and confequently of condemnation ex- cept he repent. The fecond is of the Church, which follows Gods judgement, pronouncing the party guilty, and fubjea to condemnation : which judgement is not tobe given abfolutely ,but with condition ofrepentance, and fo farre forth as man canjudgeby the fault committed , as alto by the Word which di- rects how todifcern ofthe impenitency of the finner. The third again is Gods judgement,wherebyhe confirms that in heaven which the Church bath done on earth. So then the anfwermay be, r.That the perfons excommunicateare infome refpeII no members ofChrifis body, and in fomeother refpeets they are. Queft: