Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

170 Qeffions,andCafes ofConfeience that are out of the Covenant, and never belonged tó the Church. Fifthly, IfGods mercy enlargeth it felt to thoufands of generations , men fhould not be fohard-hearted as to.queftion whether fuch Infants belong to the Covenant,, and, thereupon to deny them the Sacrament of Ba- ptifine. Quef}. wI;ether have children, borne in fornication , right to Bap- tifine ? Anfw. They ought nQt to denied it. For the wickedneffe of the Parent ovht not prejudice the childe in things that belong to his falvation. Q uef}. Are there no cautions tobe obferved ? e4nfw. Yea : Fir(} , that the Parent be one that holds the true faith , and Religion. Secondly , thatthe Minifter exhort him CO true , and unfeigned repent- ance for his finne committed, and that beforethe childe be baptized. Thirdly, that there betome appointed to anl\ver for the Infant betides the parents , and to make folcmn promife to the Church,that it (hall be carefully brouJht up , and inftru&ed in the faith. The fame alto is to be done before the baptizing of the Children of Parents that are excommuni- cared. Mater Perkins, Vol. z. p. 74. Quef . Howimany wales is Baptifine taken in Scripture ? ce/1nfw. Firf}, it liignifies the fuperflitious wafhing of the Pharifees , who boundthenafelves to the Baptifines, or wafhings of Cups, and Pots, c..Tlark . 4. Secondly, the walhings appointed by God in the Ceremonial Law, Heb. g. r o. Thirdly , thewalhing by water which ferves to fcal the Covenant of the New Tef}amcnt, Mat.28. rg. Fourrhly,by a metaphor, it fignifies any grievous cro(feand calamity : Thus Chriftspaffion is called his Baptifm,Lult.r 1.5o. Fifthly , it fi°nifies the bet}owing of extraordinary gifts of the Ho- ly Ghot}, and that by the impofition of the Apof}les hands, .4lh.c i. q. and 11.16. Sixthly, it lignifies the whole Ecclefiaf}ical Miniftry. Thus Apollo: is faid to teach the way of the Lord knowing only the Baptifine (i. e. theDo&tine) of John, A&s 18.1s. Quef}. what is cesfiderable aboutshe matter ofBaptifine ? if Anfw. Three things : The figne ; the thing figntfied ; and the Analo- gy of both ? Quell. what is thefigne in Baptifine ? Anfw. Partly the element of water, AE1.8.36. and partly the right by divine inf}itution appertaining to the element , which is the Sacramentalufe of it in wafhing of thebody ; and thefe two water,and external waihingof thebody,are the full, and compleat ligne ofBaptifine. Quef}. What tithe thingfgnifed,orthe fugHanceofBaptifns? *foe. Chrif} himfelfour Mediatour, as he gave himfelf for our walking, and cleanfing,Eph..5.6. Q uefl. what is the Analogy and proportionofboth ? Anfw. Water refemblesChaft crucified, with all his merits, a Joh. z. 7. the blood of L'hrifl cleanfeth ea, &c. i. e. the merit andefficacy of Chrif} crucified frees usfromour fins, andfrom the guilt, and punilkment thereof. Quell, what is it tobaptize in the Nameof the Father, the Son , and the Holy GhoFL ? I. (Anfw. Firft, thefe words fgnifìeto baptize by the commandment and autho- rity ofthe Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. Secon- Chap. i V. I. VI.