Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. 11 about Baptifine. Secondly, to baptize by, and with the invocation of the Name of the true God, Col, 3. 17. Thirdly, i1 fignifies to walk with water, in token that the party baptized hath the Nameof Godnamed upon him,and that he is received into the houlhold,or family ofGod, as a childe ofGod a member ofChrill, and the Temple of the Holy Ghoá, I Car.I . i 3. Quefa. what then is done in Bapt fin? Anfw: The Covenant of Grace is folemnized between God and the par- ty baptized. ueff. what aftions belong to God in this Covenant ? /infix. Firff, his makingpromifeofreconciliation ,i. e. of remidiion of fns, and life everlafling CO them that are baptized andbelieve. Secondly, the oblgnation, or fealing of this promif ; and that is either oLt- ward, or inward. a. The outward feal is the wa(hin;, by water : which wafhin; ferves not to feal by nature, but by the inflitution of God in thefe words, Baptize them, c c. Hence, Eph.5.26. z. The inward fealing is the carnet}of GodsSpirit,Eph i.13. Que&, what g the aFtion ofthe party baptized. Anfw. A certain flipulation, or obligation whereby he bindes himfelfto give homage to the Father, Sonne,and Holy Ghoff : which homage hands in faith, whereby all Gods promifes are believed, and in obedience to all Gods Com- mandments. The fire ofthis obligation is,in that the parry willingly yeelds him- fell to bewalked with water. Queff. why es it not faid, la the Name of God, but in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy CJhaf .. Anfw. To teach us the right way to know and acknowledge the true God. Quefk.whercinflandethe knowledge ofthis trae (jod e Anfw. Firlk, that there is one God and no more. For though there be three that are named,yet there is but one in authority , will., and wor(hip : Hence fome are faid to be baptized in the Name of the Lord, A&. i 0.48. Secondly that this one true God is theFather,Son,and Holy Ghoft. A myffe- ry unfearchable. Thirdly, that thefe three are really diffin& , fo as the Father is firti in or- der, the Sonne the fecond, and the Holy Gholk, not the firft, nor fecond, but the third. Fourthly, that they are all one in operation, fohn 5. 19. and efpecially in the aét of reconciliation, orCovenant making. For the Father fends the Son to be our Redeemer : the Sonworks in his own perfon the work of redemption : and the HolyGhoff applies the fame by his efficacy. Fifthly, that they are all one in worfhip.For the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoff, are joyntly tobe worfhipped together, andGod in them. Sixthly. that we are to knowGod, not as he is in himfelf, but as he bath re- vealed himfelf to us in theCovenant ofGrace;and therforewe muff acknowledge the Father to be our Father, the Son to be our Redeemer , the Holy Ghoff to be our Comforter , feeking to grow in the knowledge, and experi- ence of this. Q.je1f, May not Baptifine be adminiftred in Name ofChrift alone , or in the Name o Godwithout mentioning the threeperfon ? f Anfw. No :For the true formeof Saptifm is prefcribed by Chrifi himfelf ; fromwhichwe may not prefume to vary. Ob:ed. Bat, Ass z. 38. It's faid , repent and be baptized in the Name of Chrift? --- Z 2 Ahfw. V. VI.