a_ Quefáaons,and Cafes of Confcaence Chap ij Anfw. Peters intent there is, not to fet down the forme of Baptifine, but the end and fcope thereof, which is, that we may attain to true fellowfhip with Chria. Quell. What are the ends of .Baptifme? Anfw. Firi+, Baptifme feems to be a pledge to us in refpeEt of our weaknef,, of all the graces and mercies of God, and efpecially of our unionwith Chrilf, or rcmilrionof fins, and ofmortification. II. Secondly, it ferves ro be a. li ne of Chriflian Profeffion b efore the world. Hence its called the flipulation, or Interrogation of a good confcience, I Pet. 3. 31. Ip, Thirdly, It ferves to be a means of our firfi entrance, or admiffion into the vifbleChur`h. Fourthly, ics a means of unity. So its urged, Eph. 4. 5 tC or.I2.I 3. Quelt. Nil.ntkcr doth the ejfi;acy of Baptifme extend itfel f to all fins, and to the :thole lifeof man ? Anfw. i he ufe of Baptifine enlargeth it felf'Co the whole life ofa man, and it takes away all fins pall, prefent, and to come ; only with this caution, if the party baptized hand to the cyder of Baptifme, viz. to turne to God, and to be- lieve in Chrif}, and fo to continue by a frequent renualof Faith and Repentance, asocc aiian shall be offered. C t efi. Ilow may this be proved? Anp, Vint, becaufe the Scripture fpeaks of them that hadbeen long before Baptized : and that in the time prefent Baptifmcftveth, I Pet. 3. 22. So Rom. 6..1. and in the future tenfe, He that believes, and is baptized, féallbe Paved: And Paul, Eph. 5. 26. All which (hews that Baptifme bath the fame efficacy after, which it had before the adminillration of it. II. Secondly, the Covenant of Grace is everlafling, IJa. 54. so. Hof. z. 19. But the Covenant is the foundation or fubtlance ofBaptifme : therefore Baptifme is not tobe limited to any time, but mull have its efficacie fo long as the Cove- nant is in force. III Thirdly, the ancient Church of Chrili hath alwayes taught thatall fins are done away, even fins to come by Baptifme. Quell. Whetherdoth Baptifme abolifhOriginalFu? e4nfw. The perfeft and entire Baptifme (in which the outward and inward are joyued to:,ether) abolitheth the punifhment of fin, and the guilt, and the fault ; yet not limply, but in two refpels. 1. Firtl, in refpegt of imputation, becaufe God doth not impute original finto them that are in Chrifl. Il. Secondly, in refpe6l ofdominion ; becaufe original fin reignes not in them that are regenerate ; yet after Baptifine it remains, and isßi11, and that pro- perly fin, Rom.7. 20. Col. I. 5. Evil cancupifcence ! Eph. 4. aa. therefore force portions of the old man, and original fin= remain after Ba- ptifm. Quell. 1fperfono baptized be !inners until death, what difference is there be- tween thegodly and ungodly ? Anfs'. In them that are regenerate there is aforrow for their inward corru- ption, and for their fins pall, with a deteflation ofthem,and a purpofe CO forfake fin, towhich is joyned an endeavour to pleafe God in all his Commandments, This is not in an ungodly man. Quell. How doth Baptifm confer grace ? Anfw. Firfl, it confersgrace, becaufe itsa means to give and exhibit to the believer, Chrifl, with his benefits, and this it dothby its lignification ; For it ferves as a peculiar, and infallible Certificate to attire the party baptizedof the forgivenefie of his fins, andofeternalfalvation: and whereas the Minifleerr