Chap. ;< about. Baptifmre. =75 thc.begianing, And feed thereof. But the faith of their Parents is their faith, andgives them right to Baptifme, becaufe the Parents receive the Promife, for . themfelves and their children, and thus_ tobe borne in the Church of be- rlieving; Parents, is in (lead ofthe Profeffion offaith. 1 Ob. Infants know not what so done whin theyare baptized? i Anfw. Yet Baptifme hash its u1æ in them- For its a feal of the Covenant, and ameans to admit thenì asvjiible members into the Church. Quell. Whether are the-children of T"arks and 'Jews tobe baptized? Anfw. No : becaufe their Parents are out of the Covenant of grace. Quell. Whether are children of profeft `Papif}s to bs baptized ? Anfw. Their Parents beingbaptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghott ; and the Church of Reme, or Papacy, though it be not the Church of God : yet is the Church of God hidden in the Papacy, and to begathered out of it, therefore I fee not why the children of Papitls may not be baptized: Onlywith thefe two cautions. I. That the aforefaid Parents de(ire this Baptiftue for their children.. t. That there be Sureties who will undertake for their training up in the true faith. %ef. Whether may children-of profane Chriffiansthat livefcandalo ifly be ba- prized ? Anfw. They may. For all without exception that were borne of circumcifed Jewel, (whereof many were profane) were circumcifed : and we mull not on- ly regard the next Parents, butthe Ancellors, of whom its faid, If the root be holy, (, are the branches, Rom. n t.16. and there is no reafon that the wick ednelTeof the Parent fhould prejudice the children in thins pertaining to lifeeternal. 0net+. How oft is Baptifme to be adminiffred ? Anfw. But once : for the efficacy ofBaptifine extends it felt to the whole life of man : and as we are but onceborne, and once ingrafted into Chrifi : Sowe dstalliehait once baptized ? Heft. In what place is Baptifmefitteji to be adminiflred ? An/'w. In the publick Af rmbly, andCongregation of Gods people, and thatfor three reafons. Firft, Becaufe Baptifine is a part of the publick Miniftry, and a dependance upon preachin:2, the Word of God. Secondly, the whole Congregation may be edified byopening the inflitution, and do;}rine ofBaptiftne. Thirdly, the wholeCongregation is by prayerto prefent the Infant to God, and to beg the regeneration and falvationof it, the prayers of many being the more et&rt&ual. Fourthly, the whole Congregation is hereby made a witneffe of the Infants nibble memberfhip. Quell. What ife are weto make ofour iaptifine Anfw. Fir(i, our Baptifmmuff put us in mnnde that we are admitted, and received into the family of God, and thereforewe mull carryour felves as the fervants ofGod in all holy converfation.. Secondly, Our Baptifm in the Name of theFather, Son, and Holy Chef}, IL teacheth us, that we mutt learn to know and acknowledge God aright, i. e. toac- knowledge him to be our God and Father in Chri(t : To acknowledge his Prefence, and therefore alwayes ro walk as before him : To ac- knowledee his Providence, and therefore to caft our care upon him : To acknowledge his goodneffe and mercy, in the free pardon and forgiveneffe of our fins. Thirdly, our Baptifme mutt be to us as a florehoufeof all comfort in the III. { time