Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

176 Queftons, andCafés ofGonfcience Chap. 17: time of our need : If'tlióubeea tempted by the devil, oppofe againft him thy Baptifine, in whichCod bath promifed and fealed unto thee thepardon of thy fins, and life everlafling. If thou heed troubled with doubtings.andweak- neffe of faith, confider that God `bath given thee an earn(}, and pledge of his loving kindneffe: Often look upon the Will of thy heavenly Father fealed, and delivered unto thee inthy Baptifine, and thou fhalt be comforted in all thydoubts. If thou lief}under anyCroft or calamity, have recourfe to thy Baptifme, inwhich God promifed to be thyGod, and of this Promife he will not failethee, &c. Mr. Perk,Vol. 2.p. 256, C?'c. CHAP.