Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Ct:;p: CHAP. Vill. andCafes ofCorfcience about L'lfphemy. Quell. 'U. ¢ Hat is Phfpher,. TY ? Biafhíemy in the ufual acceptation ofthe wo d in Greek Authours h ;reifies any evil speech , or calumniation (as Beta notes but by a phrafe peculiar to facred Writers , the penmen of the Scriptures , it imports always an ungodly fpeech , which rbomb it he uttered againft men , yet it reacheth, and is carried to the contumely of God himlelf. So, Matrh. 9. 3. R,pv. r4. 16. lit. 1. z. and its either agam(t men, or God. For, t. Every reproachful word tending to the hurt, or difrace of any other masts nathe, and' is called bláfphemy. So , Tit. 3. z. t Peter 4 Murk,;. z. z. All fuch injurious, flanderous , or reproachful words as are uttered to thedifgrace ofGod, Religion, Gods Word, Ordinances , Creatures , Works , Miniftets, &c. are called Blafphemy : Againft God, Rev. 13. 6. His Name , Ro4a_z.24. His Word, 7fh. 2. 5. Chrift, eibi. z6. r r. Chrillians, fa:5.2.7. His DoEtrine, i Tim. 6. r. 07.3.S. Chriftian liberty, Runs. 14. x6. Teachers, r Cor.4.i 3. Chriftians,for abflaining from evil, t Pet.4.4. the Holy Ghoft , or his work, Mat, r z.31. Q;e$. what is blafphemy14isfl fi,e Holy Ghaff ? Anfiv. It is a tin, not in deeds, and aétions , but in reproachful words(Mark.( 3.3 o:) uttered, nor out offear, nor other infirmity, as Peter did, and fick, and fratitick perfons may do': but out of a malicious, and hateful heart, t Cortnth.1, 16. 22. Heb. ro. r6, 36. Not by one that is ignorant of Chrift, as Paul was when a blinde Pharifee : but by one enlightned through the Holy Ghoft with the knowledgeof the Gofpel , Heb. 6.4. Not of rafhneffe , but of fet pur- pofe to defpite the known Do&tine and Works of`Chrill, Heb. I o. 29. being accoinpaniedwith a univerfaldefe&ion, or fallingawy from the whole truth of 'Cod , Heb. 6.6. asalfo with a generall pollution, or filthinefs of life,Mat. 12.45. aPer,z.zo. and being irremiffible,becaufefuchascommit it cannot re- ?pent,Mar.iz.3z. .Heb.6.6. A a uefl.