Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap. t$ about Blafpberey. yea, which worfe , he compelled many to b'lafpheme,yet (faith he) Iebtaincd mercy, Mar. t 2.31. Chrill tells us that upon repentance it fhall . be forgiven. The Devil would perfwade us that all blafphemy is the finneagainit the Holy Ghoft : but we mutt deny it , and our reafonmuff be, becaufe we are forry for ir, and were it tobe done again , wewould not do it for all the world ; but he that fins againit the Holy Ghoul is not lorry for it , is not grieved for his offence: would have all others to commit the fame (roue : Is defirous to have Hell as full as he can : willies that wife, children, Parents, friends, nei ;hbours, all mi,ht commit the fin againit the holyGhotl as he hath done. See Cape!! an Tenta- tions. Cueft. HowBoth the hainoufnefs ofthis fin of Blafphemyappear? Anfm. Firlt, Itsone of themoll horrid fins in the world : Some finsare4nore directly and immediately i ainit mens own perlons : as idlenef , prodigality , &c. Some are arainff oche- mens persons : as lying, flanderin,, &c. but the blaf'heiner fi.;hrs'ali eelly again+c,od: ocher fins ffrike at God, but this pieceth him, and f+rike, th ou h his Naine with execrations , &c. and therefore fuch Were tobe put to death, L;,11. Ifa.36,6. Hab.3.14.. Secondly, Its an high contempt of God, a defperate flying into his face, a charc;ing him with folly, cruelty, and tyranny, lob. i. tilt. It fo provokes God that fully he cuts then ors fooner th :n other fanners , as thofe that are ripe for deflruóaion. Thirdly, It argues the hi..hefl in rafitude in the world : for a man like a mad dogg to flic into the face of his matter who keeps and feeds him : ro sie that heart and tongue which c ;odmade for his praife ro the disgrace ofhis Crea- tór :- To load hirti with inu i rs, who daily loadech us wish mercies. To curfe himwho bleffeth us, &c. they 'are Paid tocrucifie (brig afrefh, Heb.6,6. Maas éffendunt gtii blafpheman. C',srilimn regnantem in ccelir, quel i qxi crucifixcrunt 1 ambulantem in terris. Aug. they areworfe then thofe that actually crucifi- ed him. Fourthly, itexceedin, ly debafeth a man , and makes him viler then the vilell creature ; for they in their kind praife God, and Thew forth the wifdom, power, and goódnefs oftheir Creator: but the blafphe.nerdishonours him in all hisattributes. - Fifthly, it is a molt unprofitable fin : other fins have fome feerning pleafure, and profit to allure,but what pleafure, or profit can it be to rage againit the jult, and great God. Sixthly, fuch are guilty of themolt peflilent fcandal that canbe : they grieve ,the g6dly, harden the wicked,offend the weak , who are quickly turned out of the way : they become an evil example to theirfamilies, who like loft wax are eafily )call into any forme. Now. woe be to themby whom fcandals,efpecially blafphemous fcandals come, Mars3.6i7. Seventh' y, has a fin which makes men moll like the damned in hell. As the Saints in heaven Beim, filledwith,joy, shall vocally fin.; the praifes ofthei, Re- deeinec So thedamne i in heil, being filled with the wrathof God , fhall vo- cally blafphemy him : and if the wicked in this world that do but raft of the cup ,ofGodiwrath , yet blafphernehim for their torments, Rev.16.9. howwill they be filled with blef?hemies, when they fhail be filled with the wrath of God for ever. Eihthly, as its thegreateft fin, fo it makes men liable to the grease$ jude- ments of God, and to the fevereft punishments of the Magiftrate. When a man (hall direlyand purpofely fpeakreproa: hfully of God, denying him in his Attributes , or attribunn c, that to him which is inconfcflent with his nature, this is called direct and immediate blafphemy , and if it be a&ed, not out of in- firmity of nature, the perfon not being diflempered by fickneffe , melancholy, Aaa nor