182 IV. I. II. I. II. Queflion.r, and Cafes ofCorifcience, Chap. i 8. they capable of them who have received force tneafure of grace , and in the ' uprightnef e of their hearts delire to fear, love, andferve the Lord. Secondly, they maybe difcerned tobe from Satan by the manner of their injeaion, which is not voluntary and upon choice ; but fudden, as a Rath of lightning, with fuch unavoidable violence that they cannot be prevented, and that continually, one following in the neck of another. Thirdly, whereas a mans own thoughts being natural, work no extraordinary perturbation in the mind : on the contrary, thefe blafphemous fuggeflions l+rike the heart with fuch horrour andfeare, that thereby the undcrflanding is alto- nifhed, the heart quakes, the minde isdillraEted, the joynts tremble, &c. Secondly, confider that thefekindes of tentations are common to afiaed Chriflians : yea,fo ordinarilydoth .Satan fight with this weapon , that he dur(l therewith affault Gail} himfelf, the unfpotted Lamb of God in whomwas no finne. Thirdly, confider that its no finne to be tempted to Mete blafphemies, if they be refilled : as its nofault in a chat}e perfon ifa filthy harlot tempt him to un cleanneffe fo longas he yeelds not toit. .Quell. But how (hall we know that we reel thefe blafphemies ? "Infw. Firft, in our own outward manwe refit/ them, when we do not aetually yeeld by tvords,or deeds,fo as that our yeelding is fubjea to our fentes. Secondly , inwardlywe relit+ them, when we neitherapprove them in our judb menu, nor embrace them withour wills, nor incline to them in ouraifeEtions with likin anddelight. Fourthly, confider that there blafphemous fufigef}ions, arenot evil to them who refill them : or ifevil, yet onlyour croffes, and evil of punifhment not evil offin,which the Lord ofhis infinite goodnefiè turns to the good ofhis children. Obje& Yet Ifear that I have fo mach revolved thefe blafphemous tentations in my mind, and have beenfo negligent, andflow in rejeè1ing them, that.I doubt much I have yeelded fame liking to them ? . , AuJw. Finl, there isnothing more common then for an aßiióted confcience to accule when it's innocent,and to lay a heavyburden upon it felf where the Lord gives a difcharge. Secondly, but fuppofe it be true,yet thereis no calife ofdefpair ; and that r.Becaufe this fin being committed through infirmity is pardonable and there- fore ifthou repent and bewaile it, hate and abhor it, firive and endeavour to mortifie it, God (according tohis gracious promife) will freely ternir it. . z. It's not committed by theChriflian man , ifwe fpeak properly, but by the flefh, and unregenerate part , and therefore it (hall neverbe imputed to the spiri- teal man, who refills it all he may: but to the flefh,which alone (hallbear the pu. nifhment,God ufing to that end not only the hammer of his Word, but alfo temporarycroffes and aflliEtions. 3. God meafures not our finnes according to the nature, and (natter of the fins themfelves, but rather according to the affeEtion of the firmer , which gives the form and being thereunto : in regardwhereof the greateft fin being enter- tained by theconcupifcence only, and there crufhed and choaked , is ef+eemed by God a far leffè fin, then the leaft degree of wickedneffe which is willingly committed, nouriflied, or defended. Quell. By what means may we be freedfrom thefe hellifh blafphemies ? Anfw. Firlt, we muff have recourfe toGod by fervent prayer, entreating him to rebuke Satan, and to refrainhis malice,either that he may not ca& hishellifh wild -fireof blafphemous thoughts intoour minds, or at leaf+ that he will quench them at their fin+entrance that they maynot enflame our concupifcence with i the leaf} liking ofthem. Secondly,whenSatan terrifies usby laying there blafphemies to our charge , we .