}Chap.:a9 8 5 CHAP. XIX. Qefiions, and Cafes of Confcience about our Bodies. Quill. Hat is the condition and fiate of our bodies in this '1 ? Ir e Kvy Álefw. They are vile and bale, and that not only .) the bodies of thewickd,but alto ofthe deareff chil- , dren of Cod'?hil. 3. 21. '= uefl. 1-low may this bemade oat ? /rnfw. Our Original is bafc, we aredull, and to duit ive mull return.Befides, our continuance is full o changes, :v.: are fubjeet to fickneffe, fores, paine, hunger, &c. and baie we are, becaufe we are upheld by inferiour creatures. We enter into the world one way,and then go out a thoufand: fomtimes by violent, fometimes by more natur :i deaths : Are fubjeet to divers difeafes, loathfom to the eyes and notes, efpecially when we are nearefl our end: then our countenances waxpale, our members tremble, and all our beauty is gone: whenwe are dead, our carcaffe is fo lothfom, that it muff be had out of fight, yea, though of Abraham, Gen. 23. 4. For as mans body is of the fine it } temper of all others, fo the corrupti- on of is moll vile. Oueft. Is there then noglory belonging to our bodies ? Anfw. Yea. For, Fin}, its Gods Workmanfhip, and therefore excellent : fo excellent, as the Heathen Galenbeing flricken into admiration at the admirable frame thereof, brake out intoan Hymne of praife to the Maker ofit anoDa- vidcries out, Iamwonderfully made, Pfal 139.r4God made this his laflwork as anepitome of all the refl. Secondly, the Scripture reachesus that we owe glory to our bodies, and there- fore it forbids us to wrongour bodies, and fpeaks infainoufly offelf-murtherers, as of Saul, Achitophel, Judas,(l'c. and God to thew the tefpeet that we owe to our bodies path provided pleating obje&s for every fenfe, as light for the eyes, flowers for the finell, and lnufick for the ears, &c. Thirdly, thefe bodies ofours are members of Chrifl, redeemed, and fanitified Templesof the Holy Ghofi: Indeed as it keeps the foul from heaven , fo ics the graveof the foul: but otherwife its the Houle , Temple , and inftrument of thefoul. welt. But can thofe bodies be calledbufe for which thrift !bed his precioru blood ? B b Anfw.