Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

I 36 Queftions,and Cafes of Conrcience I. II. Iv. V. Chap 19 Anfw. While( Gods children live here , their bodies are in no better a condition then the bodies of others : Hezekiah is fick : Lazarus bath his fores ; David and Job are troubled with loathfóme difeafes: and its reafon it Ihouldbe fo. For, r. It was fo with Chrif, he took our bale ragged nature on him : He hun- gred, thirfted, was pained, yea , death had a little power over him : and (hall we delire a better condition then our head, and Mallet had ? Its Gods decree that we midi returne to the dull as all our fellow Saints havedone : and we muff par- takewith Chritt in his mean cline ifwe will partake in his glory. 2. Hereby God do:hexercife our faith , and hope, caufin us to expect a batter refurreaion ; and by this meanes our detires are quickned after a bet- ter life. 3. As yet there is fnne in us , from the danger whereof, though we are deli- vered, yet there is corruption which remains behind in us ; and by this God will teach us to fee the contagion of innne, and how the devil hath deceivedus , when he promifeda better condition. 4. It fhews Gods wifdome in vanquifhing fin by death,which is the child of (inne: For be it we (hall be purged from finne , and from corruption both of body and minde, and thus is our bale elate made a way to our excellent e- flate hereafter. welt. Shall theft vile bodies of ours be raifed againe at the 1aa de) ? Anfw. Yea, its an articleofour faith : it was typified by Aarons dry rod budding, and by Jonaw's deliverance out of the bellyof the filh, where he had been three days, and three nights : It was. believed of all the Fathers , Heb. 11.13. Its a grounded truth that thefe bodies of ours that are fowrse in corruption, (hall be raifed in incorruption, I Corinth./ 5.42. And for our further fecurity, Enoch before,and Elias after th fiood,were taken intoheaven in their bodies. Again, its not contrary to reafon , though above the reach of reafon ; For Chrif takes care that the dull whereof we are made , and to whichwe return be preferved : andwhy cannot Chrill as well raifea bodyout of the duft,asat firft he made it out of the duf,efpecially feeing the foul is preferved in heaven to this end, robe joyned again to it.Nay, it is not contrary to the courfe ofnature: We yearly f e that Summer fucceeds Winter, Day the Night, Youth comes our of Infancy,Mans age out of Youth,and 'Car.' 5.36.Thou fvol,the corn is norquicken- edexcept it die.Nay we fee daily (range things wrought byArt,and (hall we think Gods Almighty power cannot work more firange effects. Queft. who (hall raife up our bodies at the laft day ? Anfw. Chrift , lobo 6. 39, 4o For he is our Head , and the body mull be conformable to the Head : Hence , Romans 8. r i. If the Spirit doth . dwell in us that dwelleth inChrif , the Spirit that raifed him up , will raife rid tip alfo, Secondly, Chrif is a whole Saviour, and therefore will raife up our bodies as well as our fouls : Forhe is a Saviour ofboth : hath delivered both from hell,and therefore will raife upboth to heaven. Thirdly, Chrift is the fccond Adam : as we did beare the image of the fir( Adam in corruption, fowe molt bear the image of the fecond Adam in glory. Fou rthly,Ch rift is the feed ofthewoman that mull break the Serpents head, and thereforehemuff work this change. Fifthly , Chrif changed his own body being burdened withall our fins: and thérefore as an exemplary caufc,fhall much more raife usup. For fin, which is the fling ofdeath being once overcome, what can keep us in the brave ? Qpeft.