The Table. What ifafter all our endeavours toget affurance there is nothing but darknefs : ib. What are the fpecial fealing times ? 124 What ufe mull we make ofof u. ra;ece whenwe haveit t 125 Why doPapifls oppofe this Do&rine? 126 ObjeElionsagainft it anfwered. 127 How can aft ura;:ce !land with that humble esteemthat we fhouldhave of our iclves c 128 But this is a Dottrine ofLibcrtie ? anfwered. 129 What diligence mull we ufe toget afturance r 13o Whydoth it require fuck diligence ? 132 What kind of diligence is required ? 132 Why doth it deferve our belt diligence e ib. How do the Scriptures prove that it maybe attained ? 133 How Gods Spirit can witnefië nowwat there are noRevelations,: ìb. What mull we dowhen thefe teftimoniesare wanting? ib. How shall we knowour Adoption andElation ? 134 Whats the difference between offuranceand prefumption ? 135 How elfe may it be proved that offfinance may be gotten ? Objecti- ons anfwered. 137 CHAP. XV. About Aftrology, and feekers to Affrologers. Who are A.$rolo ers? 139. How may it be proved to beunlawful ? lb. Whether the !tars becertain figns of things to come ? 141. Whether therebe anycertaintte in their Art , becaufe fometimes they hit right ? fib. Whether itiefes andDaniel were learned in this Art? 142. Starsare powerful, why then may we not Divineby them ? ib. Who may be laid to practice this unlawful Art ? 143. Who be countenancers of it ? fib. How, andwhen are Aftrologers tollerated? 144. How many fortsofforetelling things are there r lb. Are thefe Diabolical prediEtions lawful ? fib, But manytimes they foretell the truth ? 245. What ufe may bemade ofwhat is faid againft theme ib. May (lamesbe ufed wherein there are good words ? 146. May we not enquire of A2rologers for futureevents ? and why note ib. Whatare theevils of it, and what furtherreafons againtlit ? 147.. CHAP. XVI. About Atheifis, andAtheifine. Howmany forts ofAtheiffs be there? 249. flow