The Table. Whether are fureties neceffary ? 168 Whether may children of excommunicated perfons bebaptized. ib. What reafons may be rendred for the affirmative ? 169 Whether have baftards right to Baptifine? Cautions to be obferved therein. 17o How many waies is Baptifmtaken in Scripture ? ib. What is confiaerable aboutthe matter of Baptifine ? ib. What is the fignand thing fignified in it ? what the Analogie between both ? ib. What is it to baptize in the Name of the Father , Sonne , and holy Gnoft. ib. What is done inhaptifine ? 171 What a &ions belong to God in this Covenant ? ib. What is the aftion of the partie baptized? i6. May it not be adminiftred in theName of God ? or ofChrift? ib. VVhat are the ends of haptifine? 172 'Whether Both the efficacy of it extend toall firmes , and to our whole life ? ib. Whether Both it abolish original fin ? ib. What difference between the godly, and ungodly , if finne remain in all ? ib. How Both laptifine confer grace ? ib. Whether cloth it imprint an indeliblecharaéter uponthe foul ? 173 Whether mayLay-perfons baptize ? 4. Theexample of Zipporahanfwered. ib. Whether is haptifine by a wicked man, or heretick true haptifine? 174 Who are to be baptized ? Objedions againft Infant Baptifine an- fwered. ib. Whether the childrenof profeft Pa pills may be baptized ; Or ofpro. fane Chriftians ? 175 Flowoft , and inwhat place baps;fm is tobe adminifircd ? ib. What ufe are we tomake ofour baptifine? ib. CHAP. XVIII. e4borot Blafphemy. What is Blafphemy? What is blafßhemyagainft the holy Ghoft ?? Howmanywaies dothblaf jhemy breakout ? How may we prevent, or cure tentations to blafbhemy ? How Both the hainoufneffe of the fin of blaj hemy appear? How comes Satan to tempt Gods children to blaJ henry ? How many forts are there of fuch Hellifh fuggeftions ? How are we torefit thofebla#hemous fuggeftions ? What is another kinde of blafhemow tentations ? What is Satins chiefeft fcope in thefe tentations ? How may we comfort our heartsagainft thefe bla bemics? I77 178 ib. 179 ISo ib. ib. ¿Si ib. ib. How