The `Iable. VVhether maymoneymeerlyconfiriered as the price of all other corn-, modities, be let out for profite 195. CHAP. XXI. about bout Brethren, andBrotherlyLove. Are all GodsChildrenBrethren? and why fo ? 197. VVhat comfort may the confiderationhereof afford,: and what duties may it teach ? ib. VVhat evills mull they avoid upon this confideration:' ib. How {hall we knowwho are Gods Children, and fo our Brethren? 198 VVhat good thall weget by them ? ib. Why fhould we love theme ib. How{hall we know thatwe love them unfeignedly t' ib. VVhat are the impedimentsof Brotherly love ? ib. Howmay the ferventnefs ofour lovebe known ? ib. Vvhat may nouri(h love amongft godly brethren ? 199 VVith what kind of love mull we lovethem ? ib. VVhat mutt wedoe that brotherly love may continue: ib. CHAP. XXII. About Buyiu,and Selling; VVhat Rule mull the Buyer obferve e 201. How may he fin in Buying,: ib. What is tobe thought of Jacobs Buying the birth-right ? ib. What rulemuff the Seller obferue ? and how fo to doe as not to fine ib. Hòw the Seller may finby hurting his neighbour r 202. VVhether every man maymake the bell of his own ? ib. How are we toprife commodities thatwe are tofell,: ib. VVhether may wefell as dearas we can ? ib. VVhether mull thefeller make known the faultsof what he fells to the Buyer ? 203. VVhat generali rules are we to obferve in Buying and Selling? 204. VVhether may we raife theprice forgiving dayes of payment ? ib. VVhat mull the Seller do it he be caufed to call for the moneybefore thofe.dayes ? ib. How farre doth a fraudulent bargain binde in point of Confci- ence? - 205. Whether may we buy Men goods? ib. What mull we obferve in generali in our dealings withothers ? 206. VVhatRules inparticular are we toobferve ? ib. VVhat evillsare to beavoided inour dealings withothers ? ib. What duties are required in buyingandfelling ? ib. How toavoid fin in buyingand felling? 208. CHAP,