Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

TheTable. CHAP. XXIII. About our CallingsandVocations. Ought every one to have a Calling,: 209. Is it a fufficient calling to be a Servingman? ib. Howmuft webehave our felves inour callings? ib. Mutt rich men that need not, have a calling? ib. How elfe may it be proved that all muft have callings? ib. Why mutt we ufe faithfulncfs, and diligence in our callings ? ib. Why is diligence in a calling fo acceptable toGod ? 210. Doe all that are diligentpleafe God ? ib. How is Confciencious walking in a calling a furtherance to a godly life ? ib. Whatelfe may move us todiligence in our callings? 211. Whether maya man change his particular calling? ib. Howmay we live by Faith in our callings? 212. Why is it neceffary to liveby faith in theme ib. What are the aEtsof Faith herein ? ib. How may we live byFaith for fucceffe in our labours,which are above our ftrength, or means ? 213. Howmany forts fin about their cat/bags ? ib. What muft we propofe to our felves in following the duties of our callings? 214. What other Rules a re to beobferved in our particular callings. ib. CHAP. XXIV. About our holy Calling, or Vocation. Ofhowmany forts is the Calling of God ? 217. Of how many forts is thegeneral! calling? ib. What is the external!calling! what the internal] ? ib. VVhy is Converlion termedour calling? ib. What are thecffefts of it ? 218. Wherein appears Godsgreat mercy in our calling... ib. c. How may we walkworthy of our calling? ib. Why fhould we be careful! to knowour calling ? ib. Doth a Chriftian always know that he is called? 219. Howmay it be proved that wemay certainlyknow it! ib. lßy what fïgns may it be known e ib. Howmay we bemade partakers of it a ib. VVhat may move us toembrace Gods call P 22o. Howmay it bedcfcribed? ib. Howmanifold is it a ib. What are the parts of effeauall calling: 221. VVhat is the means of it a ib. VVhat neceflity is thereofit? ib. Why