i5: /2, 295 The Ta6k. kwhy is Chrift called oftenan Head ? ib. Are all given to Christ to be redeemed byhim ? ib. Butthe fonof perdition was 1p[, therefore foìne that were given to Christ ? 1 isdtCbrift fully WO* work that was given hiw to doe ? s ha what particulars didthat work confift ? IfChrift hathdone all , what need wee do any thing ? 28;- What are the properties of thework thatChrist hash finished ? ib, whatelfe are vet 4und to believe concerningChrist ? 3b: Inwhat particularswill it appear ? 4. why.muffwebelieve that Grills fulnefs is for us ? 282. whether didChri(f die for all men ? ib.. Howmaywe prove that hedied only for fome ? why ; gheìt;; 4 li_ the Scjipture fpeak fo univerfally of Chrifts ,death ? 283. Doe Reprobates receiveany benefit byChriftsdeath? 284. ldu,w elfe may we prove that he only died for fame ? ib. How then may we know whether we have intereh in Chrii is . death ? vvbat priviledges:hav w.Godly byChriftsdeath ? ih. whit benefits have weby Chrifis Afcention, aridExaltation ? 284. who is thegreatLur Keçper of the Saints ? ' il'. w at Both it imply where Chvi is faid to be fent into the,world?-287. vakhat neceffity was there of Chrifts fending? ibid.; What is confiderable about ChriftsPriestlyOffice: 24ái. What are the properties ofCbrefts Sacrifice ? 2 How is Christ the caufe of our Sanétification ? ib. DidChrift doe as much for one Believer as for another ? 29,a. IObjeftions agairtftbelievinginÇhri(t Answered ? ib. Whether Chrrft loves a ftrongChristianmore then a weaka 29.r. Is there no_difference between.$elievers in refpeet of the, fruits of Chri}fs death ? ib. What is confiderable . about theglory ofChrisi r ib. Whyfhpuld Chrift pray to his Father who could do what he plea.. fed ? 292' What is the difference between Chrifit Prayer andours: ibr... Why is Christ faid:to haveno form or comlinefs ? 293r, Whether was Chniftibeautifull inhis outward feature ? ib;.r HowdidGod hide his,face from hisfon feting he loved'himalways. ida What are the parts of ChriffsOffice: andwhyip,fuch anOrder ? Ur How is Christa Mediatour e 294 Dothitnot,implyt rityr iis Objections Anfwered. ib." What aretheeffeCtssandconfequentsofthe perfonal union in refpßâ. ofChri(ts Manhood ? In what dimedidCbriffexercifeAhe Officeofhis Mediatorfhip