Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

TheTable. VVhat are the degrees of Chrifts exaltation' ib. VVhat is Chrift nowdoing in glory? 296; How doth he there execute his Prieftly Office -t ib. Now the Kinglypart ofhis Office ? ib, How was (hrift revc ,led under the Old Teflament? ib. VVhat arguments will prove Chri;t tobe true God ? 298. How far forth are Chriits actions to be imitatedbyus ? 302. How isthe whole work of our falvation carriedon by Chrit? 303, CHAP. XXX. About the çhssrch. kL,/,'Y I6, 31,, a-fi What is meantby the word Church a 305. In whatfence is aChurch taken in Scripture ? ib. VVhóis the builder ofthe Church? 306. VVhydothChrilt build it ? i.b Hath Chrift a fpeciall propriety in it ?' ib. Row and why is he faidtobe theLord ofhis Church ? ib. VVhether are our Parochiall Affemblies in England-Churches of Chrifi? 307. How is theChurchcalled Gods Peculiar ? ib., Why is theChurch compared to'awoman ? 3o8. VVhat duties cloth thisRelatiorrof aSpoufe to Chrift teachuse ib. Howmull the pleafe her Husband? 3o9. What priviledges haththe as the Spoufc ofChrifl ? ib. Tlowmay the trueChurchbe known ? 3t0 Is the true Churchof Chtift alwayes 'ablef 31 r j VVhat Reafons may berendred for it ? ib. 1 VVhat conclufions may be laid down concerning the vifrbility of the Church ? 312. Arenot all chriflians bound to pray for the peaceoftheChúMch? 313. What muff we pray, for inher behalf ? . ib. what is further included inour prayingfor theChurch ? ib. Howmuffall this be done ? ib. Whoare bound to do it ? ib. Why muffvaevayfor the pcaeeofthe Church? 314. How maywe fopray for it as tobefure to prevaile? ib. What means maywe ufe to further us herein?' ib. Why is the Churchcalled aMother ? 315 Where are we toPeek for her? ib. Are all bound to joyththcmfelvestofotne particular Congregation? ib.., VVhat Churchmuff we joyn our (elves to ib. May-we joynwith fuch aChurch as tollerates the wicked,andoppofeth the godly ? ib. lawful! togatb Churthrt out ofirue-Churches; 316. Is it lawful! to feparate from a Church becaufe of fome Errors; and .` f t defeEts e