Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The Table. HathGocomforts for us in all diftreffes Whence is the ftrength ofGods Children ? What are the comforts ofGod? when dothGod moft comforthis ? VVhence is it that Gods Children oft want comfort ? CH AP. XXXIII. About comforting others. What Rules muffwe obfervc in comfortingothers ? What are thebelt means wherebywemay comfort others ? Why fhould we be focareful! to comfort others ? How is God theFather the Author of our Comforts How is God the Son the Author of it ? How is God the HolyGholt the Author ofit ? 333. 335. 336. 337 ib. ib. ib. C H AP. XXXIV. About comforting ofiiiiedConfiiences. How fhallwe comfort fuch as aredejefted with a fight of their fins,and want of grace ? 341. Howmay true delires bedifcerned fromfalte ? 343. \Howmay one that isdiftreffed in minds be comforted 345. Howmutt we proceed in applying the promifes to fuch e. ib. What if we finde himnot humbled ? 346. How mutt comfort be adminiftred ? ib. VVhat arethe falfe wayes ? ib. Why are they falter ib. Would not God have all tobe Paved ? ib. Did not Chrift reconcile the world tohimfelf ? ib. VVhat is the right way of adminiftring comfort ? 34-7. VVhat are the grounds? ib. How may it be proved ? ib. Ob. Thedefire ofgood is naturall;thercfore Godwill not regard it? ib. Howmay godly forrow be difcerned ? ib. What if a man cannot reach to fuch a forrow ? ib. Howmay the party diftreffedbe brought within the compafs of the promifeof falvation ? ib. That the promife may have good fnccefs , what Rules mutt we ob- ferve ? 348. What is the fpeciall diftrefs arifing from the Divine Tentations ? ib. What are the occafions of this Tentation ? ib. What are theeffets ofit ? ib. VVhat remedies mutt beufed to comfort fuch ib. VVhat ifthe party be fodiftrafted that he cannot perform any good duty ? 349 What tokens of grace are we to enquire after in fuch ? 349 Howmay diftrefsof minde fromoutward affli6tions be remedied ? ib. We