Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

It The Table. we couldbear affliétions fromGod, but ours come from men that hate us ? 35o How isGod with us inafllietions ? ib. What are the fruits, andbenefits ofaflliétiuns ? ib. How areof li6tions good in regard of their quality 1 ib. Howmayadiftreffed foule be fuppurted when God deferres delive- rance ? ib. What if our aflliótionscontinue unto death ? 351. How (hall we be able comfortably toendure the pangs ofdeath? ib. How may we prepare our felvcs for death ? ib. How may we difcern whether the joyesofthe Spiritbe in us ? 352. VVhat helps are to beufed in the timeofdeath ? ib. What are thehelps inpractice ? ib. How thanwe bear with comfort Satanicall mole(tations ? 353. VVhat if our Houles weremolefted with evill Spirits ? ib. What muff we doe when we are molefted with blafphemous thoughts r 354. VVhat will cure thisgrievous malady ? ib. How (hall weknow whence theyarife ? ib. What remedies mutt beapplyed ? i6. How may diftreffeof minde arifing from our own fins be cured? 355. Whatifa manafter repentance , fall into fomegreat fin again! ib. What muff we doe when troubled for want of grace, and obedi- enceR 356- Butmy heart ishard, my faithmixed with infidelity, &ca 356. Can God accept our works that are foimpeded i ib. How doth the body caufe trouble of mind? 357. What are theeffeEts of Melancholly ? ib. What is the difference between Melancholly, and trouble ofCon- fcience ? ib. Howmuff theMelancholly be cured ? ib. How do alterations inthe body caufetrouble ofmind ? ib. VVhat remediesareto be ufed in thefe cafes ? 358. I: CHAP. XXXV. Aboutfelf-commendation. Is it lawfull for a manto commendhimfelf? 359- Inwhat cafes is it allowed ? ib. Is it not oft condemnedin Scripture? 360. How then (hall weknowwhen its lawfull CHAP. XXXVI. About Communion with God. What is it tobe inCommunionwith God? 363. What