The Table. J How maywe attainwifdom herein ? 377 How !hall we be lurnithedwith matter to edifieoneanother? zd; W hat if we cannot furnish our (elves a ib. Whymutt we be fo careful! herein ? ib: What if for all this wecannot bringour hearts to it a lib: What if we meet with fuch fcornefull perfons as will not endure it ? ib.. Why elfe (hould we fo carefully (bun evil! company? 378. W hat mull we do that live in bad times, andplaces ? 16. Whether is company better thenfolitarinefs e i6. How may it be proved ? ib: What benefits redound hereby to theChuch , and each particular member ? 379. Howmuff we prepare our felves, before we goe into company ? ib. What muff ow carriage be in company ? 380. What,if.aecidentally, or ofneceffity we fall into ill company? ib. Why at other times mùfl wecarefully fhun it ? i6. Whommuff we confort our felveswithall a 38 s. What other arguments may move us to make choice of good company.: tü. CHAP. XXXIX. About Con ejìon. Is Confeflion a duty required byGod ? 383 What is confeffion ? ib. What muff we confefs concerningChrift ? ib., VVhat elfe in reference toChriff ? 16: When muff we make confef on ? 384: How are we called pnblickly to it ; ib. Whenby aChurch? ib. How are we called to itat the conflitutionof aChurch ? ib. Howat our admittance into aChurch ? ib, Howmay this beproved ? ib: How arewe called to it by a Magiffrate ? ib, When arewe called to it privately. , ib. Why ought we toconfefs with themouth? 3$ , How muff this confef Pion bemade ?? 38 But Paul faith, Haft thoufaith, hate it to thyPelf, &c? ib. Whether may a man go to Mafs ,referving his heart toGod ? ib. VVhat is then to be thought of the cafe ofNaaman ? 380. But if I goe not to Mafs, I !hall giveoffence to the Papiffs ? i6. Whether may a man, efpeciallya Minitfer fly inperfecution ? ib. But perfecution is good, therefore itmay not be efchewed? iii. Is it not fent of God, how thenmay we fly from it ? ib. Is not flight a kindof deniallof Chrift e ib. Chrift Bids us not tofear them that cankill the body? ib. When maya Minifter or other fly ? 388. VVhat if his people will not fuller him tofly a When