Chap.4o. 391 CHAP. XL. Queflions, and . Cafes ofConfcience abolie confer/ion o f fin. ()Ilea.. _' S confefon offin a necefary duty ? Anfw. Yea, or elfeGod would never have promi- G fed fo great a reward to it, as ij,h. i. 9. 7,b comforted himfelf with it , , ob 3 1.3 3. SoPfal. X2.5. at fomniusn narrare vigilantes ; Sic peccata confitert viri pan:ten tis efi. Aug. To tell a mans dream is the fign of`a waking man, fo to confefs his fins, of a true penitent. Queft. May not awickedman co fete hisfins ? Anfw. Yea, as we feePharaol,Saul, fudge, &c. did. Queft. How then(hall wediffinguifhbetween theeonfefon of a regenerate, and unregenerateman ? Anfw. By thefe figns. Firft, Trueconfeffìon comes from a troubled foule, aswe fee in the Pod/.can : From a broken, and bleeding heart, asdid Davids : From a meltin., heart, as (.'id fofiahs. But the other knows it not : the rackin; pain only wrens it him, not the mercy ofthat God whom he hath offended. Secondly, The firft proceeds f-om a bleedin heart, laying hold uponmercy : as Dan.9.9. Ezra 10.2. the other wants this, therefore Chrift faith, Repent and be- lieve, Mar. t. r.5. Thirdly, It comes from anhoneff heart in the firft,purpoing not to fin : He confeffes, and forfakes, Prov.28.i /. Hence Ezra to. 2, 3. The other though he feem todifgorge his flomack , yet he returns with the dogtohis vomit: So Dent. I. 40i4í. Dikecn theHeart. - ,: Queft. why muff we remember, and conffs our fins? Ar,fw. Firff,Becaufe promife offorgivenefs is made to it, Prov. 28.13. 1 Soh. t 9.. econdly, God hathmade good this promife upon theright performance ofir, 2 Sam.12 t3. `l'fa1.32.5. 3. Threats are denounced againft.thofe that confefs not their fins, Prov.28.i ;. t3oh.i.8,ao. Dr.GongeonHeb. Quefa. I: II.