gï I Qefiions,andCafesofConfcience, Chap. 4o' ueft. In confeJng ourfins,mugwe defcend intoparticulars? Anfw. Yea, fo did David, 2 Sam.24.Io. So Ezra 9.6, I i. Nehem. 9. 1. &c. 7)an.9.5i6,II,13. Mat .3.6. I Tim. 1.13. Aît.19.i u,19. uefi, why mopwe do this ? Anfw. Firf, This is the next way tobring us to that meafure of humiliation which is neceffary : Hence Ails 2. 3 6. and3.14, &c. Secondly , This is the heft courfe we can take to efcape Gods future judgements, 1 Cor.I1.3r. Ifwe would judge our (elves, we fhould not be judg- ed, &c. (heron on Pfal. 51. Quell: 15 it a duty to confefs ourflits to men alfo? Anfw.` Yea , fo yrim: ç. 16. confefs your faults cue id another: not only to the Elders of theChurch,but to yourbrethren alto : therefore its no ground for Popifh auricular confeflion, wherein they require that every one, at leaf once a year, fhould in theear of a Prieftconfefsall his fins, together with the circum- ftancesof them : a politick invenriért to WOW the fecrets ofathers, tokeep them in awe, and to enflavetheir confciences. Quef. Inwhat cafes then is confefon tobe made toethers ? Anfw. Firf, In cafe of fcandall Liven byperfons before , or after their recep- tion into the Church and ftllbwfbip of the Gofpel. 1. Beforetheiradmiffon : fuch as defire admittance, having formerly com- mittedgrofs fins , fhould foleihìly_ atknowledge theirfinfull courfes, and godly forrow for them , and their refoluuon again( them for the future to give fatisfa- étion to the Church,that Godbath wrought a change in them. So Plank. 3.6. A0.15.18, 20. 2. After their admillion, fuchas give offence by Walkingdiforderly ; either to the Whole Church ,orto fume particular members of it , they ought to confefs their faults to the whole fociety , or to the perfons towhom the fame is known, to teflifie their repentance, that firth as know their finne, may kltow their forrow allo : And I. If the offence be publick:by their openconfeflion to preferve the cre- dit of the fociety, and roll away theinfamy from it;that itmuynot bear counted an ulcerous body : and alfothereby to warn others tofear, leaft they offend. 2.I1 theoffending brotherbe eat out,or thebrethrenwithdraw from him they may receive fatisfaétion by thefree, and heartyconfeffion ofhis offence, and receive him tofellowfhip again, and renew their love towards him , as a Cor.1.6,7.8. yea, toforgive, and comfort him, lea hebe fwàllowed up by overmuch forrow. II, Secoftdly, fn cafeof injuries done tò others, then they should willingly acknowledge, andbe forty for the fame : For fb confeflion is a kind of fatisfaeti- on , and a means ofpacification. Thus Chrift dire&s , Match. 5.23, 24: Luke 17.34 Thirdly, In cafeof fcruple about fome fm that burdens our confeience : As whether we have comiiiitted it or no ? or whether we behot fome way acceflary to it ? tit Whether it be a_pardonablefin, or atilt unto death ? and howmay we obtain pardòn ; ßíc. TO Which may be added. , the predominancy of any luft which is too maflerfull for us ? in fuch cafes we maydisburden out fouls into the bofomeof Tome wife, and godlyfriend, acquainting himwith our fcruples, to ob- tain thelDrenifit of counfefl, and prayers, 8cc. Oft times thevery opening of our griefs , cafes our confcience, as opening a vein cools the blood. Fbiit My," In caféofa cOnntibnJudgement, or particular afïi4&ion:: a. Of acommon judgment, when amanby his lin bath had a fpecsal hand in pilllii g dèvvn the fame : their heMutt confefs it both to God, andbeforemen, SoJon. LIo. 2.Of