Chap.4 áboiit the confefonoffn. 2. Of a particular affi&ion i as ficknefs, &c. then alío its goodnot only to con- fers ourfin to Gal,but to men alfo : as"m.5.5445.56. Fifthly, In cafe of reproof from others, when they tell us of our faults, we should freely confcfs them with grief, and purpofe ofamendment. So 2 Sam. 12.7,8.13. Sixthly, In cafe ofco-partnerfhipwith others in fin : when any one of their confciences are awakened, he lhould confefs his fin to his fellow-drunkard , thief, &c. to awaken them, and fo tohelp them out of thefnares ofthe Divel. So 6'e/1.4z.z1,22. Luke 23.39,40. Scvcnchly, To magnifie the riches of Gods free grace to us, thoughwe have been guilty of great fins. So didPaul,' Tim.1. /3. A&s 22.4,5. and Eighthly, Toprevent fin in others : when by confelfing thefins, and the evil! we have found in them, we may make them to beware thereof. So its uiefull for Malefaétors at their execution CO confefs their fins thatothers may be warned. Auer. eflre we bound to confefs every fin to others? Anfw. Firft, We arebound abfolutely to confcfs everyknownfin to God , but confellion tomen is neceffary only in fume cafes,and that not ofall fins. Secondly, We are bound to confcfs fuch fins roothers, as are open, or known to them, not our fecret fins : as a. Our bofom-fins, we neednot to confefs buttoGod alone, Pfal.19.52. z. Secret fins,unknown to men, we may conceale them. a. Whilft Providence covers then. 2. Whillt Confcience is quiet : But when God in his Providence brin2,s them to light, or our conyciences, bein , awaked, terriie and aff:i;ht us, fo that we can have no cafe till we have acknowledged them, thenwe are to confefs our fins, thou,hwe fuffer for it. 3. Yet fometimes we may confefs our fecret fins to others,to obtain cafe,com- fort, counfell, prayers, &c. Queft. who are theperlons, to whomwe musi- confefs our faults? Anfw. Firft,to fuch perfons, or focietìes,whom we have injured, and re:ndali- zed, or confociated in fin with them. Secondly, Our fecretfins we lhould confefsto miniflers, as toour Spiritual Phy- fitians , or CO fuch others as we judgewife, odly, and faithful!. Qeft. But hereby we may le.,fe our credit, and lie under a blot ? Anfw. If thou choofelt fuch to confefs to, it will not prejudice thy cre- dit : 1. Such will confider themfelves, that they allo may be tempted, and may be forced to doe the like, and therefore what theywould that others lhoulddoe to them, they will do to thee, t3Ylat.7. c 2. a. Ir will rather rend to our credit : For it will mordent to them the tender- nefsof our confciences, humility, hatred of fin, and fearofoffending. Quefl. From what principles, or in what manner lhould we confefs our fins to others? Anfw. Firf}, Out ofzeale for God, to give him glory before men, and that 1. Ofhis Omnifciency, in knowing our mod fecret fins. 2. Of his Providence in deteltin: them. 3. Ofhis juftice in punifhing,or riáhteoufnefs, and faithfulnefs in affli&ing us for them. 4. Free grace in pardoning them , and in accepting, imploying , and raving }tas from them. 5. Patience in fparingus, and mercy in doing us good, notwithftanding our fins againft him. t Secondly, Out of hatred againft fin, ive mull confefs with grief, hatred, and awe, as aman would (peak ofthe molt loathfome things. j Ee e Thirdly, 3;3 VIL VIII. I: II. II,