Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

394 III. IV. I. Qe, iions,andCafes,ofConfcience, Chap. 4s" Thirdly, Out of love to others, tomake fin odious to them, and tomake them abhor, and efchew the fins we have faininto, and efcapethe fhame,and.forrowwe have met with for the fame. Alfo out of grieffor wronging or offending others : and from amind to givethem fatisfaólion for the fame. Fourthly, Out of humility, to humble out felves for our faults even before men, and to take shame toour felves by confeffing, in the cafes, and upon the occalions premifed, and that to make it appear how much we hare fm , and our felves for fin, and CO keepothers from thinking too highlyof us : fo Paul, 2Cor-, Ia. 6. e(l, Why are menfobackward to confefsfin? Anfw. Firii, becaufe it brings lhame, and griefalong with it, which in cannot endure. For fin hath foperverted the foule, as to mifplace flame in the acknow- ledging offences, which fhould be placed in offending. Secondly, Confeffion is an ejeetion öf fin : It layes anengagement on us not to fin again, but to hate, and put it away : this, neither fin, nor Satan can endure. Thirdly, Confeffion brings fin to light, which ( like anhorrid monfler) it can- not endure, 3012.3.20. Sin loves to wear a wileof fecrefe,ot a vizard of counter- feit piety,or a garment ofexcufes : towrap it felf(like the Divel inSamuehMantl e, that the filthy fhame ofits nakednefs may notappear. refl. Why fhouldwe confefsfin,fee ing its fofilthy, andJhamefulla ,thing that it becometh not Saints once to name it ? Anfw. Firs, though fin be filthy it it felf, yet the confeffionof it is clean, and commendable, Secondly, There is a twofoldnaming offin : I. With delight, andboafling of it, and indulgence to it : This is prohibited to Saints. Z, With detefiation of it,indignatiop at it, andgrief for it : this is commanded. Thirdly, To conceal fin, when there is lull occafion to confefs ir, is finfull mo- defly. Its to keepSatans counfell : To harbor a thief, or murderer inour bofoms thatwill rob us of our fouls, and cutour throats, and is the high-way to deflrucìion, Prov.2S.I3.and z9.I. Fourthly, a ferious, and religious confeffing;of fin is a means to clenfe, and heal foui maladies, whereas hiding it, is but like the skinning over a fore, which will af- terwards feiler, and breakout more dangeroufly. Many famous men, as Origen, Ault c. havebeen free in publifhing theirfins, and errors in judgment to the world. Mr: Reiners Government of the tongue. CHAP.