Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.41. 395 CHA P. XLI. Quefions, and Cafes ofConfcience about carnal Confidence. Qgef}, `Gf %<__ Hat carnal confidence is particularly forbidden in Scripture? Anfw. Fill}, trulking in riches, .7ob.3 r.24. t Tim. 6.57. Secondly,inmen,Pfal.i18.8.ThoughPrinces,v.9. Thirdly, In flrengthofa City, Prov. Fourthly, in our relations, c Mich. 7.y. Fifthly, in Gods enemies, fer.z.,7. Hofr4.3 Sixthly, in places of idolatrous worfhip,yer.48.t3. Seventhly,in the flefh, Phil.3 3 Quel}. What reafons Both the Scripture give ag-ainfl it ? Anfw. Firi}, all fuch confidence !hall be rooted our, yob r8. 54. Secondly, its punifhable, Job.3 5.28. Thirdly, it argues great folly, Pray./4.16. Fourthly, its deceitful , Prev .25.19. Fifthly, its rejeehed by God, Jsr.a.z7. Quel}.Why have mennaturally confidence in outward things ? Anfw. Their hearts beingnot filled with grace, they relish not Chrif}, but flie to thefe outward things for refuge. Thus the Jews boat}ed in the name of Ho- ly people, their Law, Temple, Holy Land,&c. and many amongf} us, of hearing the word, receiving the Sacrament , uncovering the head, bowing the knee, &c. Yet all thefe could not fave them from captivity, nor us from de- f}rud}ion. Quel}. Why aremen taken upwith carnal confidence in thefe things? Anfw. Firl}, becaufe outward thingsare ealle, and men cannot endure toapply themfelves to the hard matters of the Law. Secondly, they are glorious,andmen delire to be takennotice of. Thirdly, men have a foolifhconceit that God is pleafedwith the outward a61, though inward finceritybewanting. Fourthly, menwant knowledge ofthemfelves,aninward change,a fenfe oftheir own unworthineffe, and Cbrif1sworthinefs. Quef}. How (hallwe knowwhetherour confidenceit c4rnal, orno ? fee 2 Anfw,