Qsseff'ions, and Cafes ofConfcience . Çhap.4 :inf.,. Fitt}, Where this carnal confidence is, there is bitternefs of fpirit a- gaina fincerity : Noneperfecuted Chria more then the Scribes and Pharifees which far in lllofes chair, Ftc. _ II. Secondly, where this is, fuchmen fecretly biefs themfelves in their outward :performance of goodduties without humiliation for their defe6ts. Dr. Sibs op Phil. 3. 3. III. Thirdly( when We vent ure dii ill cotitfès, andcaufes, thinking to be fupported by the help of outward means : As in warre, with multitude of fouldiers and Horfes,&c, which cannot prevail, Ifa.3or,2,3,t'?'c, and 3t.l,dre. IV. Fourthly, When We reinour fouls upon Meaner things, never Peeking to Divine and religious helps. Fifthly, when men love to fleep in awhole skin, and therefore will take the V. fafel+ courfes (as they think)CO fecure themfelves, not confulting with God , but with flesh andblood ; and confiding increature help : whereas, r. The creature yeelds not that we expe& it Ihould : there is falfhood in thefe things ; they promife much, and perform little,and fodeceive them that trua in them. 2. They 'àìt Mutable, and Weft tó change : All things come tb at end fave God who is unchangeable. 3. They are fnares and baits tòdraev t:s ovay ftom ïu'odby reafon of the vanity of-our hearts, which are vainer then the things themfelves, Pfal.62.9. eccl.t.t. Quea. Howmaywe prevent or carethis carnalconfidence ? Anfw.. A rightapprehetsfion of God will do-it. For the more, or lefs that we conceive of Godas we fhould do, fo the more, or lefle we difclaline Confidence in thecreature, They who in theiraffecttionsof love, joy, affiance , and delight, are taken up too much with the creature (fay what they will ) they profeffe to all the world by their prazlice that they knov not God : $ut the Whoknow and apprehend him inhisgreatnefsand goodntfs , in that proportion they with- draw their heartsfroth the creature,and all things elfe. As in a ?lireof balances, fo where God weighs down in the foul,all other things are light ; and where o- ther things prevail , there God is fet light by. Dr. Sibs on Hofea. Queft. What is confidence ? Anfw. Its a certainty that we conceive of a future defired good, or of the love, and fidelity ofaperfoñ, whereby the heartis filled with joy and love. Quel+. What is theonlyfubjeíî properformans intireconfidence ? Anfw. God, All-good, Almighty, and All-wife, without him all things that men ufe to repofe their confidence upon arewaves and quickfands.Menare tnu- table,and though they could give good fecuriryfor the conflancy of their wills , they can give none for thecontinuanceof their life. The goods of the earth faile out expeelation, -or come (fort of our fatisfketion , or flip from ourpoffeffon : theywill leave my or We them : No wonder then if theythat repofe their full and whole confidence its them are feen fooften to fall intodefpaire. Here then the true counfel for tranquility isto truawholly upon nonebut God,on other things according to their nature and capacity : they (hall neverdleeeivt us if we require nothing of them abovetheir nature. Confidence is good according to the goodnefs of the fubje& that it repofeth upon s wherfore confidencein(od the onlyfoveraign ggood,perfe6t,folid,inimu- table, is the beg ofall, and the only thing that can give alhurance, and content to the foul. He that is bid/ with that confidenceis half in Parsotife already : He is firm,fafe, meek,ferene, andtobarong 'for all hisenemies ,Pfal,ß4.ta. ()odic tohim a Sun to give him light,heat,life, and plentyofall;goóds : and a Shield to guard hímsand filcher him from all evils : Hägives himgraae in this life, and glory in the next. OLord of Hefts, blefed(tithe man that trosffeth in thee. Dr. Du Moulinofcrmtentm nt a CHAP.