Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Chap.4/ 397 CHAP. XLII. gu-efions, andCafes ofConfcienceabout the (.:onf ic` , or combate between the f efh,andSpirit. Queß, ám:, Owwilt it appear that there it fuch a con :E.1 ix s,-- TLr; , . every regenerate íierf i ? ANfo. By plana Teffitnontes of Scripture , as X ;: Gal. 5.17. Thefill) lnfleth aeainft the Spirit , and the Spirit again(] the jíefr3, ti`''c. Rom. 7.19, 22.23; Quell. what is the Spiritual/ confia ? Anfw,Its nothingelfe but a continual combate between the unregenerate part, the fle(h, with the lufls thereof , and the part regenerate, the spirit, with all the holy qualities, graces, andmotions thereof, by reafen of their contrariety in nature, and con- jun&ion in place, whereby they mutually luft, and drive one againft the tither, the fleilt willing, and iaibracing that evil], which the Spirit nilieth and hateth : andnilling,ana (/running that good, which the Spirit willeth, and affe&erh, and contrariwife. For in this confli9 they mutuallyaffault each other with irrecon- cilable hatred, fo that as the one getteth, the other looleth, as one gathers f'trength, the other is weakned : as inapaire of Scales, when own rifes the other falls : they ate like light,and darktiefs, ce. Quelt, what are rhecastfes of this Cesafi+fï ? Anf=p.The-principal! caufe is Gods will,for the manifeflation of his own glory : For which purpofe he doch not petfeEt our fan6lification in this life'; but in part regenerating;and leaving us in partunreanerated. Quell. Bur why did t¢et the Lord( who rottleleafily haveJobe ic) perfeEf f rrtEii- ativk ait as tttfirf , at hedid by his only, steed at firff create, acrd maq is per- ed? A fw. Were there nti 'other reáftln but that good pleafure ofhis molt wife Will, it were fufîtcieTat to fftisfie u. Fót he btft knowes what to give, and when togive : But yet divers teafons may be afhaned for it: as Fìtil; This coütfe is ttibft ptofitable,bóth for the fettino forth of Gelds glory, nd thtad*abCingbfoat g Jeff. ffo dieth it oft ntanifefF,uï róeiztsgeiftedatlsglory? 4 ir.t thattheWeake inour rtáeïsératepatt,and the ftrtsnger the Aelb ?s,