400 II. Qußions, and CafesofConfcience Chap.4 z Worldlinefs, and profanenefs fubdued, and held rcafon in fubjeb}ion perverfe- nefs, and rebellion furprize the will : But in the heart there arc fuch multitudes ofhellish enemies ascan neither be named, or numbred, as legions of unlawfull lufts, infidelity, wicked hopes, hellifh defpaire, hatred ofGod, love ofthe world, pride , difobedience, deceit, cruelty , ambition , covetoufneffe, voluptuouf- neffe, &c. Secondly, In the date ofcorruption there was no conflict, becaufe the flrong man, Satan, having got poffeflïon, all things were atpeace, only therewas force contentionbetwixt thewill, and the confcience, and between one unrulypallion, and another, yet borh yielded obedience to the Divel, as their chief Soveraign, who if he faw anydifadvantage arifing tohis Kingdomby this contention,he could appeafe, and joyn them together like friends in doing him fervice. But this hellish peace was far more perniciousto our poor foules , and bodies, then the moll cruel war is to the weakeft enemy, and the rather, becaufe we had no ap- prehenfion ofthe danger, nor feelingofour own mifery, being born bondflaves to the Divel, and brought up in doing him fervice in the unfruitfull works of darknefs, for which we had only the prefent pay of worldly vanities , though whenwe had laboured molt in doing; his druggery, we were often couzened of our wages : norwithltanding which, beingborn, and inured ro this hellifh thraul- dom , we delired (till to live, and die in it, taking delight inplcafing thisour Ty- rannicall Mafier, yea, though after all , we were furs to be caft into Hell fire. ueft. How then come wee to be freed oit of this mifera6le conditi- on? Anf. Our gracious God ofhis infinite mercy , of his meerfreegrace, and good will, fent his only Son into the world to redeem us by his precious death, to van- quifìa,and fubdue all the enemies ofour falvation,and to fet usat liberty,who were in bondage, yea in love with our thraldom, not fo much as defiring to be freed from it, who not only paid the price ofour redemption , and provided a love- raign Calve forall our fores, but applies the paver, and efficacy ofhis merits unto us, whiff} by his word, madeeffetuall by his Spirit, he difcovers unto us this work of our redemption,and the promu es ofgrace, and falvation made toall ret pentant and believing finners,by which he begetsthis faith in us,wherewith,aswith a hand, we layhold on, and apply unto our felves his righteoufneffe,death, and o- bedience for our juflification, and redemption, whence it is that we are freed from our fins, Chrift havingfatisfiedfor them, as alto from our thraldom, to Saran , death, and condemnation,fo that they (hall never be able tohurt us,or to lay any thing to our charge. And not refling here, our powerfull Saviour fends his Spi- rit, andgraces into our hearts to pull us our ofthe dominion offin, and Satan, to regenerate, andpurifie us from the filth of our fins, by the power of the fame death,wich delivered vs from the guilt, andpunishment due to it, and enabled us to ferve God in newnefs of life , by applying alto unto us the venue of his refur- reflion. ueft. what then is theformali caufe ofthis Spiritual confiif.f ? eInfw. Sanßification onlybegun, and not perfected in this life : not for want of fufficient verrue in Chrifts death, and refurreetion, but through the weak- nefs ofour faith, webeing in part fpirituall, and in part carnal : and though Sa- tanbeing thrul+from his throne, cannot rule inus as a Tyrant, yet is he not fo wholly expelled, but hemolelteth us as an enemy.So that there maybe two main and effeólpall caufes given ofthis confliel between the fpiric accompanied with Gods graces, and the flefhattendedwith manyfinfull lufts : r. The one is theantipathy, and contrariety which is between,which is asun- reconcilableas light,and darknefs, heat, and cold, &c. fo that the profpering of he onc,is the ruineof the other,and the vietoryof theone is theothers overthrow. The