I C h1, 4 a.: about the configi,or combatebetween théflefh,andSpirit. Thefecondis- their cohabitation in the fame place , and fubjeót, which miniftreth to them occaîon, and impofeth a neceflity of their continual op- polition .,; a`s.wheri' fire and water meet together, &c. Neither do thefe oppo- fite enemies dwell in diverîe parts, but in the fame parts , and faculties, in the faine and,rfianding , will,body, andatfeCiions , fo that the whole foul , in re- fpea of its diverfe faculties, is partly Beth, and partly fpirit. Quell. jB,t.how can fuch utter enemies dwell together without the utter deflru- £tion ofthe one Faro ? A;;fv. Though therecontraries caniaotdwell together in their prime vigour and diti flrength , yet they may , when their, degrees are abated , and their vi- gour deadned. Quell. what ¿s this coìnbate, and the manner how itsfought inns ? Anfw. Beingby the Miniftry ofthe Word brought to a fight and fenfe of our wretched and damnable condition, our fleeping confciences are awakened , our hardhearts arc throughly humbled,and fofrned , fo as our former carnal fe- curity being fhaken otf,we mourne in the fight of our fin and mifery : Then be- ing-thus humbled, the Lord, by the preaching of the Gofpel, makes known to us his love in Chrifl , the inhnitenef e ofhis mercy , together with that fin gular pledke thereof, the givingofhis dear Sonne to death for our redemption: the promifes of the Gofpel alluring its ofthe pardon of Our fins , deliverance out of the hands ofour fpiritual eneintes , whom Chrifl bath vanqui(hed by his death , and of the eternal falvation, both ofour fouls and bodies, ifwe lay hold upon Ch rill, and his righteoufneffe by a lively faith , and bring forth the fruits thereof by forfaking our fins, and turning to God by unfeigned repentance ; all which beingmade knownuntous,we begin to conceive that there is force potlìbili- ty of our wetting out of the bondage to finne and Saran, and attaining to falvation , which inflames our hearts with an earnefl delire to get out of this bon- dage , and co be made partakers of Chrift , And his righteoufneffe , who alone can help us , and hereupon we refolve tó...deçy our felves and all other means as vain, and unprofitable , and to cafl our felves wholly upon Chrifl for ¡unifi- cation , and falvation Fromwhence arifeth a conftant endeavour,in the ufe of all good means,for the attaininghereunto, &c.which delires are no foonerwrought in is by the miniflay of theWord, butthe Lord who is rich in mercy, by the fame means doch fatisfie us , fending;-hisSpirit, and all his graces to take poffef- fion ofus for his ufe, to rule inus, to thrufl down Satan from his Sovereignty, to fubdue and mortifie our finful lulls, fo that they (hall not hereafter raign in us ; which army ofgracesi, under the concluel ofGods fpirit, dono foonerenter, andencounter their enem es, but prefenrly they put them to the worn , giving them fuch deadlywounds in the firft confliei that they never recover of them, but languifh more and more, till atlafl they be whollyabolifhed. Quefi. What manner sfconflìltor combateis this? e 4nfw. Its not corporal, but fpirirual, a Cor.ro.3, 4, 5. For as the enemies are fpirïtual, fo is the fight , by inward lulling andconcupifcence , wherebymo- tions, andinclinations, either good, or evil are flirted up in heart and foule ; and fo there is acontrary lullingbetween there enemies : the flefh lullingagain(( the Spirit, and the Spirit againfl theflefh, Gal.S.17. Quefl..what are the ends; that the flefh aimeth at in lulling againl the Spirit ? Relis'. Fin(i, to flirre upand incline us to fuch lulls, delires, and motions as are finful , and contrary to the Law ofGod, as infidelity , impenitency, pride , felt-love, &c.. It endeavours to beget and;ffirre up evil thoughtsin the ininde, wicked inclinations in the will and finful affe6lions in the heart. Hence, Tames 'I. 4, i s. its comparedto a filthy harlot whichentices men to commit wicked- nefs with her, uponwhich follows the conception, and birthof finne and death. Ff Hence 401 Ii