4ö, Qreelbon-s, andCafes ofConf'cience Chap. ,}a, I I. I. ettee`alfò Chrift makes it the founraine ofall wickednefs , ül'lat.1 . x 8,19. Briton the contrary the Spirit endeavours CO flirre up, and cherifh good moti- or7s' Iii us',. as good meditations in tha mínde , good refolutions in the will , and good áffeetions'in the heart. So r 30h.z.2o. YYe have received an anì-lien from God whereby we know all things ; and Saint maul exhorts , a Yhef. 5.19. Qench not the Spirit. Hence David alfo,Pfa1.16.7. cí3lyreinesalfainfirnîl ere in the night feafon, i.e. thofe Tweet meditations and motions which the Spirit fecretly putsinto my mind. So,.ifa.3o.2x. Thine ears: fhall heare avoice behinde thee; Vic. Só,Jch.16.S,13. Secondly, to repre s and fir-lecher the good motionswhich the Spirit flits up in us, or elfe to poison and corrupt them that they may become unprofitable and turned into fin, Gal. 5./7. So that we cannot de thegood that we would , and Pon.7:22,23. Hence it is thatour ri2hteoufüefs is becomeas a nlenf}ruous cloth: and throurbeft prayers haveneed co be perfumed with the Tweet odours of Chrifls inté,ceffion : but on the contrary the Spirit labours to expel andfub- due thole evil motions, andmoves us to take the firfi and Heft opportunity to ferve God : It alto purifies our heartsbyfaith, and'inakes us firive againft our In- firmities that wemay with fervency and cheerfulneffe perform all holy fervices to God : and wherein we' come fhort , it movesus tobewaile our imperfeótions, and to labour in the uieof all good means to attaine ro greater perfe&ion : as Paul. 1 Cor. 9. 27. and lamentably to complaine ofit ; as Rom.7.2.3X24. and to preíie t ter the mark, Phil. 3.1a. and thus the Spirit at laft maftersthe flefh; as t Sohn 3.9, Q.pefi, Wharisthe mannerofthis fpiritnalconfliE in or [metalfaculties and farts ? and that Both inour fe perioarand inferiourfaculties ? Injn. Fir'fj, our miede beingbut in part renewed, the reliéts ofour finful cor- ruptions remain in it , which continually fight againft the 'renewed graces of the Spirit , labouring ro expell and thruli them out , and the other to keep their poffeifion , and ro continue therein. Now this conflia in the mindemay be diverfly confidered in refpea of the diverfe faculties that belong to it. As, 1. The nnderTizndinb being in part regenerated, and in part corrupted; partly inlightned, and partlydark througirignorance, yea , and much depraved alfo : Hence there is a condia maintained betwixt fan&ified knowledge, and fpiritual wifdome on the one fide , and carnal curiofity , palpable ignorance , and that wifdom of the flefh that is worldly and devililh on the other part ; curiofity looks after idle fpeculations andcurious queftions : But laving know- ledge leaves fecret things to God', Dsut.z9.29. Yea, labours to mortifie that idle cnrrofrty ; as Rom.' a. ;. yet teftethnot in any meafure attained , but la- bours after fpiritual growth till it come to perfeótion in Chrif}. Then it continually conflidteth with palpable ignorance : For we know but in part, &c. e'er, i 3. t2. yet Rands it not at a flay , but endeavours to know as we are known. Again, fpiritual wifdome fights with that wifdome of the world that is earthiy,fenfual, ariddevil' ifh, 7am.3.2 ç.the one is taken up in fpiritual and hea- venly things, counting all things elfe but droffe, and dung, yea Joffe, in compari- fon ofthem : the other is wholly devoted to earthly and tranfitory trifles , and is onlydelighted in beholding thofe things whofebeauty is fubjeS to the fen- fes, and CO natural reafon. Hence, Jer.4.. 22. Rom. 8. S. 1 Corinth. 2.14. .btattke. a. The judgement, in which arifeth another conflict} : For fo farre as the niittde is inlightned with fpiritual wifdome and knowledge, the judgement difcernes between truthand falfhood , right, andwrong , &c. allowing and ap- pfÒ ft1g the erie, and rejeaing and difallowingthe ocTier : but fo farre forth as it