Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Ch.4z. about the confli6i,or cornbáte betvveen theflefh,andSpirit. it JIM .remaines blinde , and miffed through ignorance, the jüdgenient "miftakes errour for truth , and evill for good. Hence Matth. 22. ag. ccdef g.a. Pf41.73:1 5. A. tò.14,34,35. In this confliéì they woúnd one a another, and interchangeably either of them prevail : as for example : Truth,in that part ofthe judgement which is regenerate , firikes at erro. in the unre- generate part , and gives it adeadlywound ? yet oftti :nes; through the help óf fubtile fophiary , andnice diflineiions , it recovers f+ren?th and truth gas a foile : but being -again renewed , and confirmed by the 'fight of Gods Word it gives errour a fhatneful overthrow. From hence it is that the godly learn- ed do fooftendiffer in judgementin points ofreligion , viz. becaufe their mindes and judgements are but in part regenerated , fo that the relibls of ig- norance , and errour do f+ill remaine inthem , vhich works in them only a doubtful opinion, and not any well fettled judgement , and this makes them to take that way which feems molt probable. And this difference befall them not only in the knowledge ofthofe points of religion which are of leWe con- fequence, but alto exceeding wei-hty , and fundamental, as we fee in the ex- ample oftheCorinthians, and CJalattans, even after the truth ofthe ofpel had beenpreached unto them , the oneerrini; in the doétrine tóuching the refurre- 6ion of the dead , the other in the maine point of juftilication by faith in Chiift without the works of the Law. Obj. But bath not theChurch afpecialpromife ofbeing inlightned by the Spirit; and guided into all truth ? joh.16.13: r 30h.e.2o,27. Anfw. The like promifes are made alfo to every, particular member of the Church , who notwithfianding may, and fometimes do erre in force particulars: therefore the promife is to belimited. f t. Untoall truth neceflary to our falvation. 1 a. That they (hall by the Spirit receive this priyiledge , that whereas the wicked continue; and perifh in fundamental errours, the faith= 1 ful,though they mayfall into them,yet they shall not live and die in them , but, (hall inGods good time be reclaimed , according CO that . promife, 3. The next confliét which is tobe confidtred in the mindc, is between the a= &ions and operations ofit , which like the mande it Pelf, being partly fpiritual, and partly carnal, do continually (+rive and fight one aainit another : and thole are our thoughts,. meditations, and imaginations, which labour mutually to ex- pel oneanother. For when the fpirit lifts up our minde in divine contempla- tions, cauung us to think or meditare onheavenly thins , the fervice of God, the duties ofChri(tianity , or of our lawful callings , as the means whereby we may attain unto them : then the flefh pulleth them down , fuggel+ing worldly, or wicked thoughts, or Curb as are impertinent, and unfeafonablc : But the ipiri- tuai part findingit felfthus defeated, (bakes oft thofe thoughtes, and baths it Celle in the blood of Chill by a lively faith , whereby it is cleanfed from the defilement ofthem, and up again it mounteth infpiritual and heavenly meditati- ons, Phi1.3.2.o.Cal.3.r,2. 4. There is alfo a combate between the flefh and fpirit in our memories : For the memory fo far as it is regenerate labours to blot out, and deface all worldly, wicked and finful impreflions, and to have imprinted in it thofe fpiritual 'andheavenly inftru&ions which have been committed to its cuflody by the fanétified underltanding : :On the other part the flefh Rands in dire& oppofition to theSpirit by reprinting and repeating thofe leffons of impiety which we had learned in the School of the Devil, and the world,efpecially be- fore our converfion , and by working in us a forgetfulnefl'e of all good things whereby thefe heavenly jewels are prefently raft out of doors, and cannot abide with us no more thenwater in a five. F £ f 2 %.There 4°3.