Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Cb. 4a. about the conti&i,or combatebetween theftefh,and Spirit. being joyntly confidered : asbetween faith, and infidelity on the one hand; and vaine prefumption on the other : and this is referred to both thefe faculties , becaufe as the leaft degrees of faithare chiefly in the will , fo the higheft degrees of it are in the underflanding. For after the Law bath brought a man to the fight and 'Senfe ofhis fins, ofthe punishment due to them, and of his uttcr in- ability to get out of this forlorn condition : and thht the Gofpel hath difco- vered tohim that Chrift wasPent into theworld by his blood topurge us from the guilt andpunifhment of our finnes, and by his righteoufnefle and obedience ro lutlifie fmners; then theSpirit of God affifting the Minillry- of the Word, works thereby in his heart fome eatneit delires to be made partaker of Chrifi , and theft benefits which we call hungring, and after his righteoufneflè , and this is the firít degree of juftifyirigFaith , and not only a preparation to it : For they are pronounced bleffed, who this hunger and.thirft afterrighteoufneffe, Math. 5.6. but there is nobleffedneffe to thofewho are in the flare ofinfideli- ty. Then there is wrought in his will a firm refolution to choofe Chrift alone for his Saviour, and to relic upon him only for his falvation, which is the fe- conddegree of true faith, unto which when a Chrifiian bath attained by the lively and experimental feelingof Gods love in his Ordinances, of the venue and power ofChrifts death and refitrreaion for the mortifying of his fins, and the renewing and quickning him in all faving graces ; and laftly , by his daily walking wiih God in the works of holinefs and righreoufneffe , and that Tweet communion he hath with him in fpirirual exercifes , he gro,vs from one de- greeofFaith to another, till at laft he attains to a full perforationofGods love,rhe remilfion of his fins,and ofhis own falvation : But yet the flefh , and relias of corruption, even when we have attained to the greateft perfeaion,as in the part regenerate there is full,and certain perfwafion,fo in theunregenerate part there dwells doubting, infidelity, and vain prefumption, which continually affault one another, fomenmes theone and fometunes the other prevailing, and getting the viaory,alth©ugh in the conclufion Faith alwayes overcomes : So we fee in the ex- ample ofAbraham,andSarah,Heb.i i.r i.Rom.4. r9.of Peter,Mat.14. 3o.The Fa- ther ofthe poflefled child, Lord, Ibelieve,helpmyucbeleif, ]ób, Ch.31.3.and 6.4. and7.2o. and 13.15. and 19.25.So in David,PfaL 42. 6. and 73.13. and 77. to. and23.4. and 31.23. and 46.2. Having Seen the confliabetween the flefh and Spirit in the fuperiour faculties of the foul, come we now to it in the inferour feared in the heart of man. lue[t. Whitt is the contra between them ix the affe[ ions, and fenfuall appetite ? .4nfa. Though thefe be no more corrupt then the other, yet the cor- ruption in them is more fenfible, and though theconflia be no more danger- ous, '3ìetiitsmuch more turbulent, andviolent. For as outward objeas move, andafilnathefences,and there the heart, and affeylions, fo they being thus moved, do move the will, and the will draweth alfo the judgment, and under- 'landing : But though thefe fenfual faculties are more grofly poyfoned , and therefore Teem more defperately incurable ; Yet the fpirtt of Godworking al- fo upon thefe parts , doth purge them from their contagious humours, and comforts the heart with fuch fpirituall cordials, and flrengtheneth it with fuch heavenly antidotes, that fpirituall health is in fome meafure recovered yet is there a continual! combate in the heart and afsfeaions, as they are renew- ed , and fandified, and as they remain corrupt, and unregenerate : For the heart of(tone ftriveth with the flefhly heart, rebellion with obedience, cor- ruption with grace , andwhilft.the fpint draws the heart to God, and heaven - ly,and fpirituall things,the flefh pulls it back,and labours co keep it Hill fixed on the earth, and worldly vanities. Hence fprings a continual conflta between 1 405