466 Q ießrons, and Cafes ofConference. Chap.4z the affe&ions, and paffions, wherein fometimes the farne affedions .being divi- ded between grace , and corruption do ffrive againft themfelves , and fome- times being crofs matched, domutually oppofe other affe&ions, and paffi- ons which are oppolte to them : Thus the love of Gold, 6ffpiritual,and heavenly things, is affaultedwith felf-love, and love of the world, and hatred ofthofe di- vine excellencies : Affiance in God , his promifes and providences, with confidence in the Creature, and diffidence in Almighty God : Zeal of Gods glory, with carnal!, and blind zeal : The fear of God, with the fear of men : Hope in God, with earthly hopes , and alto with prcfumption, and defpaire : Sorrow for fin, with worldly forrow , and carnali fecurity : Joy in the Holy Ghoft, and fpirirualLrejoycing in God, with carnali joy in the pleafures of fin, and moderate grief fo'r worldly loffes, &c. Otell. what are the efe r which this conflitl between the fief?,, and fpirit produceth in us? Anfw. The effe&s are eitherfuch as it produceth in the will , and delires, or in the works and a&ions. Qiieft. what are the efifts which it produceth in the will, and de- fires Anfw. From this confli&between the flelli and Spirit , arifing from the im- perfeJion of our regeneration, this effe& is wrought in the man regenerate, that he cannot with full content of will, either chooie , and imbrace, or refufe, and rejc& either good or evill, becaufe being partly regenerate, and partly unre- generate , his will is divided , and accordingly doth at the fame time both choofe, and refufe both the good, and the evil!. For when the regenerate will would do that which is good, or avoid that which is evil!, the unrege- nerate part ffruleth, and hindereth, and when this would embrace the evil!, and refufe the good, the regenerate part ref leth and oppofeth. And this is that which the Apolfle Paul complains of, Rom.7.z1,23. And hence . arifesa notable difference between the fins of thegodly, and the wicked : for though they be all one in refpe& of the ate, and deed done, yet they are not fo in refpe& of the agent, and manner of doing. For the regenerate man cannot commit any known fin with full confent of will, but there is a relu- luelancy againff it, not only in his confcience , but in his heart, will, and affe&ions, and confequently it reffteth the motions of the flefh, nilling that which it willeth ; and if through frailty it be overcome, yet it hateth, and det.ffeth that fin with which it is taken captive, and makes a Chriffian much difpleafed withhimfelf, becaufe he bath committed it. So we fee in David, who though by the fiefs hewas drawn, not only to will, but to com- mit fome grievous fins, yet he truly faith of himfelf, that his heart hated eve- r? falfeway, &c. Pfal. 119. 104. But the unregenerate man, though .fome- times. he bath fome pangs of confcience checking him for hissfinnes, that he cannot fecurely fleep in them , yet he likes, and loves thernth all his heart. &c. Queff. What are the efelhr that this confliaproduceth in the atlions, and works Anfw. The effeels which it workes in the a5Rions of a regenerate man are diverfe : as Firft, He cannot do the evil! at all times which the flefh choofeth : Thus fofeph refufed the wicked fuit of his whorifh Miftüs, Ger..39.9 II Secondly, He cannot commit fin as the wicked do; with full confent of will : For fin being depofed in its regency, cannot bear fway as in times par} it did: its confined to a part alone, and fo farre as regenerate, we can- Inot finne , r John 3. 9. Hee that is borne of God frnneth not Thirdly, i