Go I I. Iv. Qjjeßion.r,andCafe.r ofConfiencc . Chap.4` 9. a7, 34. Thus Saul with David, r Sam. 24. 17. and Pilate with Chrif}. Secondly, They differ in the moving causes of this conflift : For the Spi- rit is moved to aflault the Befli by the true love ofGod, which caufeth it to make war againft carnalllufIs,, beciufe they are odious to God, Enemies to his _race, and conttaty to his holy will : And-by a filial fear of God, which makes a get enerate man loth to yield to any motions of fin, leafs he fhould difpleafe his heavenly Fathet :But the combate between the confrience, and aftee+ions ari- ihth from felt- lovéi, and feavile fear which makes the unregenerateman to withlland die motions of fin in the will, and affeßionsfor fear of punhlhment , and horrorofconfcience, fhame, corporali pain, eternal! death, &c. They dif- fer alfo hay ends : For the end at which.the regenerate aimeth in fighting a- ainf+the tiefh, is, that be may glorifie God by his victory, andbe more allured of his love , and his own falvation : But the end which the unregenerate mans Confcience aims at herein, is, that he may the better compaffe bis worldly de- tires,either in the obtainingof fom earthly good,or avoiding fome imminent evil. Thirdly, They differ in refpecd of the combatants , for in the conflibl be- rxeen the flefli and Spirit, there is a combate between grace and corruption in the fame faculties : Knowledge, and ignorance , fpirituall wifdom, and carnal ifcdom in the fame underflanding : Sowilling, and nilling good,and evill in the Iaui.e will : Accufing, and excding in the fame confcience : Loveof God, and of theworld : fear cfGod, and of men : nuft in God,and in the creature in the fame affekaions : Temperance, and intemperance in the fame appetite, &c. but in the confliet which is in the unregenerate ; the combate is between ivers faculties, which are all carnal!, and corrupted, one of them fighting again(+ ano- ther, as between the reafon and the will, the Confcience and the carnall con- cupifcence , pallions, and riaffee+ion ; in which what party foever prevails, hill the unregenerate man is drawn unto fin. They differ allo in the manner of the fight : For that which is between the Spirit, and the flefh is done by a contrary lofting of one again(l the other in a prad+icail, reali , and effed+uall manner : But that which is between the reafon, and the will ; the Confcienceand affeóuions, is maintainedby Loñicalldii putes,and mentali difcourfes,whilfi the Confcience in- fers fearful! conclufions ofpuriifhments, and Gods enfuing judgements upon the wicked choice of the Will,and their yeilding to fatisfie carnali affe:2ions. For whilft reafon is carnet+ in perfwading by arguments , and the will rebellious, and vio- lent in croffin,it, the confcience being rowfed up, comes in to the refcue of reafon , refraining the willfrom embracing the evill it likes, by fear of punifh- ments, whereby it begins to ftarger, and faint : but then enters in a troop of tumultuous paffions, and affeâions as frefh aids , to arengthen the will in re- bellion, which being themfelves firft hired and corrupted to do Satan fervice , with the prefent pay, or expe&edwages ofworldlyvanities, theydo by the fame profers perfwade the will to be obi+inate,and with all refolution to oppofe itfelfa- gainfl Reafon, andConfcience : Yet in all this confliE+ betwixt diversfaculties there is no enmity, no contrariety in their natures, neither is there more grace, os lefl corruption in the reafon,and Confciences,then in the will and offe&ions, for theyall like and love fin,with the pleafures,andprofits of it, only they are af- frightedwith the terror ofGods judgements, which they perceive will neceffari- ly follow upon fuchfinfull premifes. Fourthly, They differ in their contrary effe &s. For by the°confia between the flea, and the Spirit, our Faith isconfirmed in the aflurance ofour regenera- tion, feein4 Gods Spirit, that is oneof the combatants, dwells inus : Of Gods love; and favour, teeing hehath chofen us for his fouldiers: and of our own falvation , feeing Cods Spirit fighting inus, and for us, affuresus of vi&ory, and of theCrown ofeverlafling glory : But from the conflict} of Confcience in the unregenerate, arifethdoubting, and incredulity, fears , and defpaire in P k ap-