Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

Ch 4 2,about the configl,andcombate between theflbandfpirit. 409 prehen1ön of Gods wrath , and Iliac dreadful(:punifhments which fn hash deferved.. .2. from the combare of the flefh andSpirit, unfeigned repentance is begun, 1I or renued,' and: encreafed in the regenerate : for there is a:change inthem, prin- cipally in their wills, hearts;and affeétions,whereby in all things they oppofe the fleib, hating that which it loves, and loving that which it haterh ; willing what it mills, and pilling what it wills : upon which follows the 'purifying of the heart fron all all finfull corruptions, the hating and foefakingof all fin , and an hearty delve and endeavour to ferve the Lord in hounds , and newnefs of life, yeíading univerfall obedience both in affections, and a%tions, re- nouncing all tinne, and embracing all good duties, and that in the whole cóurfe ofour lives. 3. The war between the Spirit and the flefh caufeth the molt fecurepeace, III. even peacewith God , when as becominghis Souldiers we fight undet his Stand- ard againft his, andour enemies : Peace between the faculties ofour foules, when as the inferiour faculties are fubjeat to the fuperiour ,the affeó}ions hearkning to, 'andobeying the confcience , thewill yielding to reafon as Gods Vice -roy, anal all to Cod as Their fupreme Soveraign. It brings alfo with it un- fpeakable comfort, and joy in the HolyGhoft, becaufe it affures of Gods love, andgracious ailfiance, ofa full, and finatl viakory over all our enemies , and of the crown ofeverlafting glory. But the confli t of the confcience in the unre- ,generatecaufeth continual! tumults , tyranny in the fuperiour faculties ruling onlyby fervile fear , andrebellion in the inferiour, when as they have power to break the yoke ofGovernment, horror, and anguifhof mind : difconfolate for- row, and hellifh defpair, when the affrighted confcience bears fway : or the mad joy of£rantiquemen., when thewild affeetioas, and difordered paffions,by Glencing the Confcience , getthe uppperhand , which oft times lafling no lon- ger ¡hen a blaze of thornes , leave behind redoubled grief, and defperate de- fpaire. 4. Theconfii t between the Spirit and the flethmakes the regenerate man with more care, anddiligence to obferve his own heart, to watchover all his IV. wayes that he give no advantage tohis fnfull flesh : It caufeth him earnefily rp endeavour in theufe of all good means, that the Spirituali part may be Itrena thexied, and the flefh, withall its carnal( lufts may be mortified, that it may nor prevaile againft the Spirit, as t Car. g. . But the conflict of Confcience is commonly joynedwith wretchlefs fecurity , whereby the unregenerate man careleflynegleals the caufes, and occafions of thisbitter confli& till he be over. taken with them,and onlyavoids the punithmencbut notthe fin,or the fin only whenhe is feufible ofthe punifhment. It worksin him no care to mortifie his fins, unlefs only in outward aat, and that alfo out of a flavifh fear , and not in love and obedience untoCod, It makeshim not careful! toufe means for the fubduing ofthe&fíelh, yea rather it bringshim into a fluggith difpair, as if all means were ufelelte, or if he ufe any means, its only in hypocrifie, to flop the cry of his Confcience , not with a delire to profit by them. Fifthly, They differ in the fubjeët matter, oroccafion about which this con- v. fli& is madeby thefe diversenemies. For the Flefh andSpiritdo in all things oppofe one another : The Spirit the flefh in all that is evill : theFeth the Spirit in allthat is good. For there is no a&tionwhich the fpirituall man performs, but the fle& interpofing , hindereth therein ; as in Prayer,hearing, receiving the Sa- crament,fan&tifyiug theSabbath,works of juftice,inercy,temperance,&c.fomtimes wholly withdrawing him from them,other fomtimes diftraBeing &difabling him in them, which makes him to complain with the Apoftle,Rom.7.i8,2r. And on the contrary the Spirt oppofeth the Fleth in all known evil(, eithet Ggg by