Gh.4z. about theconfli5t,or combate between theflejh,andSpirit Objeb , hut didnot David loofedegrees of hisgrace,when he committed adul- tery, andmurther? and Peter when he denyed his () after ? Anfw. There was adecay, yea anutter furceafing of them fort the time , till they were renewed-by repentance, yet not in thehabits, and eflènce of their gra- ces, but only. in their operations : as the Sun ever fhines in his full brightncfs, though its oft hid from our fight. Yet we mull not afcribe this permanencyof their graces, ro any property, or excellencywhich Gods Children have in them- felves , as ifby their own flrength they could withfland all tentations , but it is tobe afcribed to the power, and promifes ofGod,toour union with Chrift, from whom we revive Spirituali nourifhment , and to the continual) gracious afliflànce of our good God, who fupports us aainft all the powers of Hell. . Obje6t. But by this Doeirine many will take occafion to become prefumptuoui, añd f cure ? Anf.So is the Doctrine ofJuflification through Gods free grace by faith obeyed, yea Gods mercy, redemption by Chrifl, and all the promifesof the Gofpel : For where the Apoflle taught-, Rom. 3.7, 8. and 6.1. where fin abounds, grace abounds muchmore ; Some wereready to fay, Let we then fin that grace may a- bound : But.its notpoflîble thatany found Chriftian whohat) thefe graces lhould abufe what hash been laid to prefutnption, and fecurity : For though they cannot loofe theirgraces, yet theymay lóofepeace, comfort, joy, &c. which is the ve- ry lifeof their lives, in which {late they are full of horror, and before they can purchafe their former peace,theymuff pafs through the purgatoryof repentance, fendout deep fi'ghs, and bitter groans, &c. which will make them more wary ever after, even as long as they live, Phil. 2, I'3. Quell. What is the fccond thing confiderable in the fucceffe of this con- flit} ? Anfw. That the Spirit abvayes obtaineth an allured viélory over the flesh : For though it be oftenweakned, yet it cannot be wholly vanqurflied, but f}ill re- covers flrength whereby it prevails, and puts the flefh to flight , though it re- cieves many wounds,: and falls in; the fight : the reafon is, becaufe Chrif{ holds usby the right hand, and bids ri.s fight without fear, Ifa. 40. to , 1 r, /2, and 42. 6.. yeahe bath usfeparatlyunited us to himfelfby his holySpirit, foh. to. z8. and made us lively members of his body, and therefore being able to defend us, he will never fuffer us to perifh : for thenhis own body fhould receive a maime. , Oje&. But we fee many Chriflians, who both in their own judgement, and lin the judgement of othersare members of Chriff , yet quite fall away, and be- come members of Satan? Anfw. The Members of Chrift , generally fo called, are of two forts : 1. Such lively Members as are infeparably united to him by his holy Spirit , and a lively faith, whichneither the Divel, nor the Flefh, nor anyother power can pluck away from him. z. Such as are improperly called Chrifls members,being dead, and fruitlefs, and only fo in outward'profeflion, and thefemay faile, and be quite fevered from Chrifl, but this doth notprove that the true members ofChrift may perifh , for they can never be partedfrom Chrill'in refpe&of their fpirituall union, becaufe Gods Spirit which is the cheif band of ir, can never faile, Hofa. 2.19. Yer. 31 34 Queft, By what degrees doth the Spirit obtain the viflory? Anfw. Firft, inthis life, in which thisconquefl over the flelh isbut inchoate, ndbegun, the lulls thereof not being wholly abolifhed, but only in forcede- rees mortified : By reafon whereof the Conflia between thefe enemies, con- tinues 4i3