Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

.1Q.eeffion.r,andCafes of Confeience Chap.42 tinues, not only in our firfl converfion,whenwe are but babes inChtif1, but even throu_h the whole courfe of our lives : yet ¡till for the moll part the iflàe of it is thevi&ory ofthe Spirit , though it meets with many foils in the fight , Rom. 8. r. where it appears that whatfoever his flips, and Errors maybe, yet for the moll part he holds on in his Chriflian courfe unto the end. Secondly, Yet whiff/ we continue here, the vi Cory is neither gotten,nor held without a confli&, wherein the Spirit is often foiled : But in the endof this life we !hall obtain a full, and perfeft victory over the fleih, and all the lulls there- of, and then there fhali be noplace, or time for fighting, but for receiving the Crown of viciory , and the enjoying of everlafling peace, as s Tim.4. 8. Rev. 3. zr. Quell. What arguments may encourage us to this confia againff the flefh ? 11, nfiv; To the obtaining of this vi&ory there are two things requi- red. Firfi, A duc preparation to the fight. Secondly, A wife and valorous behaviour in the fight itfelf. Qefl. YGhar is required in' the preparation to the fight. Anfw. Firft, A ferrous confideration of thofe Arguments which may put courage into us, and make us refolute in affaulting this Enemy. Secondly, A right ufe of certain means which may enable us to over- come. Quell. What are the reafons which may encourage us to fet upon this ene- mie the field. Af,v. Firfl, Becaufe its the will of our great Captain, the Lord of Hofis, that we fhould encounter ir, toohich he often, and earneflly preffes'ust to yield obedience by his command, that we fhould fight againfl the world, and the Dive!: as fir i, that we fhould depofe it from its regency, Rom. 6. i z. that we fhould not fatisfie it, Gal. 5. 16. that we fhould utterly renounce it, Tit. z. 5 1 , 5 2 . that we fhould put it of, Ephef. 4. 22. yea mortifie it, Col. 3. 5. cru- cifie it, orput it CO a fhamefull death, Gal. 5.24. there is a gracious promife to fuch, Rom. 8. e 3. Secondly, Let theneceffity ofthis fight encourage us to ir, feeingwe have no peace with our finfull flefh, but upon moll wofullconditions, ifwe do not fight againfi it : for if we fight not againfi it, it will fight againfi, and overcome us : If we hold it not under as a (lave, it will tyrannizeover us, and enthrall both our fouls, and bodies in a wretched bondage: and we had better, with the Prodiga/i feedwith filthy Swine, then tobecome{laves to thefe fenfual, and more filthy lulls. Now how unworthy is this our being,and breeding, who by our creation were fons, and children ofGod, to yield our felves llaves to fuch cruel Mailers, who will make us imploy our bodies , and minds which were created for Gods fervice, in the miferablebondage of fin, andSatan ? But befides the hatefulnefs of the flelh for its cruel! tyranny. its more odious for itspollution, and filthi- nefs: for there is no filthy fink, or flunking carrion to be compared to it. Thirdly, The confideration of the manifold evills which are done unto us by the flefh, fhould excite usto this combate. For its more mifchievous to us then the Divel himfelf,who couldnever hurt us,ifwe werenot firft betrayed by this inbred Enemy : Yea itsworfe then Hell, and Damnation , being the caufe of them both : and without it, Hell were no Hell : Itsthe root of all fin, and wickednefs, from which Idolatry, Blafphemy , Murther, Adultery, &c. grow , and fpring : Its fuchan Enemy as makes God himfelf our Enemy, expofing us to his wrath, and would cal us headlong intoeternal torments, ifGods infinite mercy didnot flay us in theway. Its the provoker to all wickednefs, and greatefthe l;